Preventing Rickets: The Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency and Malnutrition on Children’s Health in the UK

2023-10-21 17:04:51

The bone disease rickets was considered almost eradicated. © IMAGO/Sascha Steinach

Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition are leading to a new outbreak of rickets in the UK. The poorest regions are particularly affected.

Glasgow – An almost eradicated disease is returning to Europe: Last year, British health authorities registered 442 cases of the bone disease rickets – around 20 percent more than in 2018. The last time this childhood disease became more common was in the 19th century. The causes of the disease can be easily avoided.

Long-term deficiency of vitamin D leads to soft bones and knock-knees in children

If children or infants do not receive enough vitamin D over a long period of time, this can lead to rickets, the World Health Organization (WHO) explains the causes of the disease. Too little sunlight or malnutrition are the reasons for the deficiency. When there is a severe vitamin D deficiency, the body cannot store bone-strengthening calcium and phosphate, resulting in soft bones. A visible sign is knock-knees or bow-legs, which can make walking difficult.

Then as now: malnutrition in poor neighborhoods makes children susceptible to rickets

In the 19th century, rickets was widespread due to malnutrition, mainly in the slums of Britain. This connection still seems to exist today: more than three quarters of the new cases were registered in the Glasgow region in 2022, as the AFP news agency reported. The region is one of the poorest in Scotland, with almost a third of children living in poverty, according to local authorities.

Other so-called Victorian diseases such as tuberculosis and scarlet fever have also recently increased significantly in Scotland. “Rachitis is associated with poor diet and the likelihood of poor diet may be driven by the cost of living,” confirmed Stephen Baker, a molecular microbiologist at the University of Cambridge, to the Sunday Times. “Victorian diseases are diseases of poverty,” Baker continued.

Prevention of vitamin D deficiency: Doctors recommend dietary supplements

In Germany, doctors recommend additional vitamin D intake through dietary supplements to prevent rickets, according to the medical journal published by the German Medical Association. However, the dosage should be strictly adhered to, as long-term overdose can be potentially life-threatening for infants, according to the Ärzteblatt. Vitamin D is found in foods such as fish or eggs. (with afp)

Machine assistance was used for this article written by the editorial team. The article was carefully checked by our editor Richard Strobl before publication.

#eradicated #rickets #outbreak #Europe



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