Preventing Osteoporosis: Strengthening Bones for a Healthy Future

2023-10-20 03:50:36

When we were teenagers No matter what activity you do, you can do it to your utmost because your body is still strong. nimble Even a slight bump or fall is not a problem. But when you start to get older Injuries from crashes or falls seem to be more serious than ever. This may be a warning sign. ‘Osteoporosis’ that causes our bones to become weak And if left for a long time and not treated, it can easily lead to bone fractures. Today, Dr. Atiporn Terdyotin, orthopedic surgeon Orthopedic Center Wimut Hospital, osteoporosis specialist and care of bones and muscles in elderly people from England and anti-aging medicine from the United States Will tell you regarding the severity of osteoporosis. Along with recommending prevention methods and treatment guidelines. To strengthen the body and bones as we age. Ready to live life to the fullest every day.

osteoporosis A silent danger that everyone can be!

Osteoporosis is mostly found in the elderly. Caused by a decrease in bone mass in the body As a result, the bones become thinner and are not as strong as before. To the point that even a slight fall or lifting a heavy object can cause a bone fracture. Dr. Atiporn Terdyothin explains that osteoporosis occurs more often in women than in men. “Women aged 50 and over have a 33% chance of suffering a bone fracture from osteoporosis, compared to 20% for men. This disease is more common in females than males. Because women’s bones are smaller. And when women begin to enter menopause or menopause. In women, the hormone estrogen, which inhibits bone resorption, is reduced. As a result, the bones decay quickly.”

Osteoporosis – bone degeneration How are they different?

In the elderly, there is another disease that is often encountered, that is, osteomalacia. This is different from osteoporosis in that it causes us to feel pain or have reduced movement in the joints that have deteriorated. As for osteoporosis, bones become thinner. The quality and strength of bones decreases. As a result, various bones in the body break easily. There may not have been any warning signs before. In fact, other than the elderly Both bone diseases It can occur from other risk factors, such as patients with rheumatoid arthritis. or patients who use steroid drugs, etc.

‘Osteoporosis’ can be prevented. Don’t ignore it until the symptoms become severe.

Osteoporosis is caused by a decrease in our bone mass. Prevention starts with strengthening bones since adolescence, that is, eating all 5 food groups, especially protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and getting enough exercise. And take care to keep your weight below the body mass index (BMI) and avoid behaviors that risk osteoporosis, such as drinking alcohol. or smoking, Dr. Atiporn Terdyothin explains further: “Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease. Because he didn’t show any symptoms at all, when he realized it, it might have been when he fell and his bones were broken. So we have to go get screened. Especially when reaching an age at risk. That is, following menopause or aged 65 years and over, especially if you have congenital disease or other risks. Should come for screening and screening sooner. Osteoporosis diagnosis uses Dual along with history taking Thorough physical examination to calculate the FRAX Score, which is an assessment of the risk of fractures from osteoporosis in the next 10 years. If the test results show osteoporosis, they will receive further treatment as needed. severity of each patient”

Guidelines for treating osteoporosis before it causes serious harm

For people who have thin bones but are not yet at the level of osteoporosis, doctors at Wimut Hospital recommend that they can treat them themselves by changing their eating habits. By emphasizing nutritious food and exercise regularly Prevent falls Do outdoor activities to boost your body’s vitamin D levels. Along with taking calcium and vitamin D supplements as recommended by your doctor. In the case of using drugs that affect bone mass, such as steroid drugs. or certain cancer medicines It is recommended to see a doctor for early examination. for timely diagnosis and treatment

If it is found that you have osteoporosis Treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Starting by adjusting the food exercise and lifestyle appropriately along with giving medicine to treat osteoporosis as well The drugs are divided into 2 groups: drugs that increase bone formation and drugs that inhibit bone resorption. However, you must consult with experts closely throughout drug use and treatment.

“Although osteoporosis is more common in the elderly, But what we can do early is to strengthen our bones since we are teenagers. And always have a physical examination every year without waiting for serious pain. If you are found to be at risk or have osteoporosis, you will receive timely treatment. So that we have good health and be happy every day,” Dr. Atiporn Terdyotin concluded.

Those interested would like to consult with a doctor at Wimut Hospital. You can contact us at the 4th floor, Orthopedic Center. or call to make an appointment
02-079-0060 time 08.00-20.00 hrs.

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