2022-09-22 22:00:00
The summary
Twenty years following the report of the senatorial commission of inquiry “Delinquency of minors: the Republic in search of respect”, the commission of culture and the commission of laws wished to make a new assessment of this question.
In view of the issues but also of the still recent nature of the implementation of the code of criminal justice for minors, the rapporteurs focused their work on two issues:
– available knowledge on juvenile delinquency;
– the way in which prevention, in particular in terms of education, then support for reintegration, can contribute to combating this phenomenon.
After hearing nearly 40 people and field trips to Bordeaux, Avignon and Nanterre, the report notes that knowledge on the subject continues to be lacking, as is the coordination of the many players in this field.
It offers 14 recommendations structured around four axes:
– reinforce knowledge of juvenile delinquency;
– make the fight once morest dropping out of school more efficient;
– fight once morest school violence;
– and, finally, better prepare the reintegration of the juvenile offender and avoid recidivism through learning.
View the report
#Preventing #juvenile #delinquency #Avoiding #recidivism