Preventing Injuries in Water Sports: Tips and Safety Measures for Shoulder, Wrist, and Ankle Health

2023-06-21 16:42:00

<자료제공 : 힘찬병원>

[뉴스에이 = 김인배 기자] The water sports season has returned with full-blown heat. There is an increasing number of people enjoying wakeboarding, water skiing, jet skiing, surfing, etc. in cool waters in the summer. You should be aware that water sports where you can enjoy thrilling thrills at high speed can cause serious injury if you overdo it without preparation. do. According to the ‘Sports Safety Accident Investigation Report by Category’ published by the Sports Safety Foundation in 2020, the most frequently injured parts in accidents while enjoying summer sports such as water skiing and wakeboarding are the shoulder (14.6%) and the wrist (13.3%). ), followed by ankle (12/0%). In addition, excessive motion (50.7%) was the most common cause of injury, and it is analyzed that incorrect posture or repeated load put pressure on joints, tendons, and ligaments, leading to injury.

Kwon Tae-yoon, director of Orthopedic Surgery at Gangbuk Himchan Hospital, said, “Most water sports involve excessive force and endurance in a state where it is difficult to balance, so continuous tension occurs in the joints of the upper extremities, such as the arms, wrists, and shoulders.” Switching, jumping, and turning can cause injuries large and small, such as muscle damage, sprains, dislocations, and tendon ruptures, so be careful.”

Be especially careful with shoulder injuries

Water skiing and wakeboarding in cool water often place excessive pressure on the shoulders as they hold onto the rope of a motorboat that runs at over 40 to 50 km per hour and twist their bodies from side to side. At this time, if unintended force is applied, damage to the rotator cuff or labrum may occur, or in severe cases, there is a possibility of dislocation.

Surfers tend to use their shoulders repetitively and forcefully when moving forward while paddling their arms, which can lead to shoulder impingement syndrome. In the shoulder joint, there is a convex part called the acromion. If you perform an exercise that continuously uses the shoulder excessively, the gap between the acromion and the shoulder tendon narrows and causes pain as it collides. Inflammation mainly occurs in the superficial tendon, and because it is a tendon that is involved in the motion of lifting the arm, the pain intensifies when doing this motion.

Most people who suffer from impingement syndrome often misunderstand it as a simple stiff shoulder that they experience following excessive sports activities at first, and do not take it seriously. However, in the case of impingement syndrome, careful attention is needed because the condition progresses and it may develop into a rotator cuff tear in which the tendon is cut off. If you experience shoulder pain while enjoying water leisure, it is desirable to refrain from excessive motion and take a break. If the pain persists even during daily life, it is better to go to the hospital without delay and get tested.

Injury to wrists and ankles

In the summer, the wrists and ankles are the most prone to injury. A lot of sprains occur in the wrist or ankle, commonly referred to as ‘sprained’, but when the direction is suddenly changed or strong rotational force occurs, the risk of ligament and cartilage injuries inevitably increases.

In particular, a common disease that occurs when running on water while holding tight with your hands is triangular fibrocartilage tear in the wrist. Cartilage called triangular fiber plays an important role in free movement of the wrist and mitigating shock. When this is damaged, a sore feeling and pain occur, and daily life becomes uncomfortable, such as not being able to touch the ground with your hands or lift heavy loads. Therefore, it is better to let go of your hand even if you fall into the water when it is difficult to hold on to the handle and hold on to it.

Wakeboarding and water skiing with your feet fixed should also take care of your ankles. When the ankle is excessively bent or rotated, damage occurs to the internal structure that supports the joint. At this time, ankle ligament rupture may occur, in which the ligament is torn. If appropriate treatment is not performed in the beginning, it causes chronic ankle pain and ankle instability, so it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible.

In order to enjoy water sports without injury, you should refrain from enjoying exercise with excessive intensity ahead of your mind, and if you are too overconfident, the risk of accidents inevitably increases, so it is good to maintain appropriate tension. Above all, it is necessary to loosen the joints and muscles through sufficient stretching and warm-up before exercising. It is also essential to wear safety equipment and take light stretches and rest following exercise.

Kwon Tae-yoon, director of Orthopedic Surgery at Gangbuk Himchan Hospital, said, “In water sports, the risk of injury is very high if you do not warm up enough before entering the water, so it is good to relieve tension in stiff muscles.” There is no strain on the joints, but if joint pain occurs, it is good to apply ice packs.”

Reporter Kim In-bae

<저작권자 © 뉴스에이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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