2023-10-21 08:01:00
To prevent hypoglycemia, reduce your insulin dose before starting new exercise.
Diabetics receiving insulin treatment are prone to hypoglycemia due to exercise. According to the Korea Diabetes Association, diabetics currently receiving insulin treatment should reduce their insulin dose before starting new exercise to prevent hypoglycemia.
Before exercising, it is most accurate to adjust the amount of insulin using the blood sugar data you normally record. If there is no personal blood sugar change data, it should generally be adjusted according to the blood sugar level before exercise and the exercise time and intensity.
Measure your blood sugar every hour following exercise and take a low-glycemic snack (or glucose tablet) if necessary. On exercise days, insulin should be placed on the abdomen rather than on areas mainly used for exercise, such as arms and legs, to prevent it from being absorbed too quickly. If you inject short-acting insulin into your arm or leg muscles, you should wait at least one hour following the injection before you begin exercising.
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Reporter Lee Ji-won ([email protected])
ⓒ ‘Honest Knowledge for Health’ Comedy.com / Reproduction and redistribution prohibited
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