Preventing History from Repeating: Initiatives at Sciences-Po Paris Amid the Israel-Hamas Conflict


Sciences Po⁤ Paris Addresses Israel-Hamas Conflict ‍Protests

Sciences Po Paris Addresses⁣ Protests ⁢Linked to Israel-Hamas ⁣Conflict

By‍ Louise ⁤Sallé​ / Photo Credit:‌ LAURE BOYER / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

September 4, 2024

Sciences Po Paris⁤ was shaken⁣ last spring by a series of‍ mobilizations ⁢connected ​to the Israel-Hamas conflict, ⁣with some protests ‍escalating into significant incidents. To prevent a recurrence of such situations, the institution made important announcements during a back-to-school​ conference this Wednesday.

The ⁤recent events included the ⁣banning of ⁤a Jewish student ⁣from a conference and pro-Palestinian mobilizations that ⁢stirred ‍controversy. At the conference, Jean Bassères, the provisional administrator, revealed several initiatives aimed at addressing the sensitive issues‍ surrounding the Middle East conflict.

New ‍Educational Initiatives

Starting in September, first ​and second-year students ‍will participate in a‍ two-hour course on ⁤freedom of expression. This class, taught by a law professor, will clarify the ⁣rules of freedom of expression in France, particularly in ​the context‍ of social media. “This initiative⁤ aims to enhance understanding of concepts‌ that‍ may not be widely known among Sciences Po students and many in France,” explained Bassères.

Commitment to Zero Tolerance

In addition to educational courses, the institution will ‌host a⁤ series of lectures dedicated to​ explaining ⁤the history and complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Following the backlash from⁤ previous events, several donors withdrew their financial support, leading to ⁤a temporary suspension of public subsidies.

Jean Bassères mentioned, “New donors have emerged, and our partnerships from 2023 remain stable. While some regions, such as Provence-Alpes-Côte​ d’Azur and Île-de-France, have suspended their subsidies, we are currently in discussions to reassure them about our stance ⁢against racism and anti-Semitism.” He​ expressed optimism about restoring financial relationships.

Furthermore, an internal ⁢mission is underway to ⁣reflect on Sciences Po’s positioning regarding global conflicts,‌ with results expected in the fall.

Sciences Po Paris has been significantly ⁣impacted by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, leading to a series of student ⁤protests that have⁣ raised concerns about freedom of ​expression and rising anti-Semitism on campus.⁢ In response to these issues, the institution ‍announced measures aimed ⁣at fostering ⁢a more inclusive environment during a back-to-school conference on⁣ September 4, 2024, following the‍ protests⁣ that occurred in the spring of 2024 [1[1[1[1].

These‌ protests, described as pro-Palestinian⁣ mobilizations, escalated, resulting in some significant incidents, including the controversial banning of ⁢a Jewish student from participating in ⁢a⁣ discussion panel [1[1[1[1]. The administration’s actions⁣ appear geared⁣ towards preventing similar events‌ in the future and promoting a balanced dialogue around sensitive political issues <a ‍href="”>[3[3[3[3].

Additionally, ⁣tensions surrounding the institution’s relationship with Israeli universities⁤ have been contentious; in May 2024, ⁤Sciences Po rejected calls for a review ⁢of these ties‍ following protests demanding changes⁢ in the‌ school’s⁤ affiliations [1[1[1[1]. This ​reflects a broader context where educational institutions are grappling with how to ​navigate complex international issues ⁣while maintaining academic ‌freedom and inclusivity on campus.



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