Preventing High Blood Pressure in Young People – Expert Tips and Advice

2024-01-12 02:06:30

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Hong Chonglie, senior attending physician at the Cardiovascular Center of Mackay Memorial Hospital and director of the Remote and Home Care Center, said that the reason why young people aged 20 to 30 suffer from high blood pressure has a lot to do with their living and eating habits, such as staying up late and lack of sleep. , diet high in sugar, high fat, high salt, high cholesterol, drinking and smoking, lack of exercise, etc. are all important factors that lead to high blood pressure in younger people.

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Many young people are eager to eat big fish and meat, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat in the body and increases insulin content in the blood, causing small blood vessels to constrict and increase blood pressure. There are also some young people who smoke, drink, and live out of rhythm at night. Their biological clock rhythm is disrupted, and a large amount of aldosterone hormone is secreted in the body, causing small blood vessels to constrict, increase heart stroke volume, and increase blood pressure.

In addition, insufficient sleep time will also increase the risk of high blood pressure. In the long run, the harm of high blood pressure in young people is more long-term and serious than that in middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, experts call on young people to prevent high blood pressure by eating more light and less greasy foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, smoking less and drinking less, exercising more, and paying attention to alleviating and releasing the psychological pressure caused by life.

(Picture source: Dreamstime/Dianjiang Image)

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Further reading:
In addition to high blood pressure in winter, if you experience dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness in your limbs, it may also be hypotension. Hypotension = anemia?

Do I need to eat it for a lifetime to lower my blood pressure?Doctor: Keep blood pressure under long-term control, and do not stop antihypertensive drugs randomly, otherwise the blood pressure will rise and fall, which will damage the kidneys.

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