Preventing Heart Disease: The Key to a Healthy Heart at Any Age

2023-09-27 03:59:00


Heart disease is no longer a matter of age. The younger you are, the greater your risk. Especially between the ages of 30-35 years, if it is not caused by abnormalities from birth. It will come from lifestyle habits. Warning signs that may put you at risk for heart disease Feeling tired easily Chest pain, dizziness, fainting, unconsciousness, heart palpitations, nausea, unusual swelling in the legs. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. This World Heart Day, Sept. 29, invites everyone to reduce 5 behaviors that risk causing heart disease, including eating. High fat, trans fat, being overweight Not exercising Stress and smoking must be avoided, reduced, quit in order to take care of your own heart.

Currently, ‘heart disease’ is the number one disease that kills people around the world. There is a continuous increase in the death rate. and has an increasing trend Which heart disease is not found only in elderly people. But it can be found between the ages of 30-35 years, which may be caused by abnormalities from birth. Or it may be caused by daily living with eating habits that affect heart disease, such as high-fat foods, sweet foods, salty foods, or close people who are at risk of premature heart disease.

Heart disease can be classified into 3 main groups:

1. Groups with structural heart abnormalities such as congenital heart disease. narrowed or leaking heart valves

2. Group of heart and blood vessel diseases such as coronary artery disease.

3. Groups with abnormal electrical conduction of the heart, such as heart rhythm disorder, etc.

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Causes of heart disease in young people

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thotsapon Limpijarnkij Department of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine The Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, explains that the most common heart disease and cause of death worldwide is heart disease. Coronary artery disease or blockage Found a lot in the elderly. Followed by heart valve disease congenital heart disease and heart muscle disease Even in the past, heart disease was a common disease among the elderly. But nowadays, it has been found that people who are young or teenagers are at high risk of heart disease as well.

By the main reasons of heart disease in young people There are many risk factors.

“Younger people are more likely to have heart disease caused by birth defects. Or is it caused by the most common lifestyle behavior that is smoking? Some people as young as 30 – 35 years old already have heart disease. or even people who are physically strong Being an athlete is at risk of having an abnormally thick heart muscle. Especially professional athletes or those who use their bodies heavily should have their heart health checked first every time to see if they can play sports or do strenuous activities.”

Why are young people to heart failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood to the various parts. of the body Because our heart is like a ‘water pump’. If the pump is weak, It will not be able to send water out to use. Therefore, when the heart is weak and unable to pump blood efficiently, various organs of the body will begin to ‘lack of blood’ or ‘unable to use blood’, unable to take ‘Oxygen in the blood’ cannot be used, which often leads to ‘fainting’ or if it is severe. That is, not being able to pump blood will cause ‘blood to flood into the lungs’, causing a symptom called ‘flooding the lungs’, causing shortness of breath, leading to heart failure to the point of causing the heart to stop beating. and can die

The most common causes of heart failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. which is a factor that is toxic to the heart muscle Makes the heart have to carry a lot of weight have to work hard until it swells and eventually leads to heart failure

The reason that ‘Heart failure’ is increasingly being found in younger patients. It’s because of

‘Changing lifestyle habits of people nowadays’ who have turned to consuming more fast food. Popular to consume food that has a sweet taste Consume more sugar including consuming spicy food Salty tastes that are high in salt and sodium are all factors that lead to hypercholesterolemia. Easier to develop high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which are considered toxic to the heart and blood vessels. This puts you at risk for heart failure easily. and faster than before, despite being still young Behavior that lacks exercise It is another important factor that accelerates the chance of heart failure as well. Not eating properly until the weight exceeds the standard It will cause disease in the group. Non-communicable Disease or NCDs, which is a group of chronic non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., which are toxic to the heart muscle. Toxic to blood vessels Until it eventually causes heart failure.

Warning signs of heart disease

Feeling tired easily

Initially, you can notice your symptoms from the same behaviors you used to be able to do. For example, from being able to climb a few floors of stairs comfortably, now you feel tired when you climb just one floor. It means that your body is starting to become abnormal. It is recommended to hurry and get checked quickly. Because besides heart disease, there are other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Chest pain

Especially when exercising, there is often pain in the left side of the chest, difficulty breathing, discomfort as if something heavy is pressing on the chest. indicating that it may be a sign of myocardial ischemia.

Feeling dizzy, faint, unconscious.

due to irregular heartbeat This can be correctly diagnosed only after being examined at a hospital.

Heart palpitations, nausea, unusual swelling of the legs

Because the blood in the legs cannot flow easily to the heart. This causes the blood to freeze and cause the legs to swell. Therefore, when there are swollen legs along with other symptoms That can also be a warning sign of heart disease.

5 heart disease risk behaviors

Risk factors that cause cardiovascular deterioration can be caused by 2 factors:

1. Physical risk factors that can be prevented is diabetes high blood pressure High blood fat and smoking

2. Genetics, which are risk factors that cannot be prevented or corrected. But preventing disease is better and more important than treating disease.

You can stay away by avoiding these 5 behaviors.

1. Eating high-fat foods, trans fats – high-cholesterol foods.

Such as cakes, bakery items, fatty meats, cheese, prepared foods, fast food, pork legs, pork belly, fried animal skins, various fatty coconut curries, and grilled foods. When eating this type of food in large quantities and continuously for a long time May result in hyperlipidemia. Cholesterol is so high that it clogs the coronary arteries, causing them to narrow and become blocked. and can cause myocardial ischemia.

2. Overweight (obesity)

Allowing yourself to be overweight, with a BMI greater than 30, is at risk for chronic disease and is very harmful to heart function. Since high blood pressure High blood fat, diabetes, and coronary heart disease This is usually caused by having a lot of fat in the arteries. As a result, blood circulation is blocked. Until the heart is out of blood and died suddenly In addition, the situation of obesity Women with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches and men with a waist circumference of more than 45 inches must be especially careful. Because the waistline is too large It also affects heart health.

3. Too much stress

People who have a lot of stress and is constantly stressed Group most at risk for abnormal heart rhythms Because stress will stimulate the heart to work harder. heart beats faster High blood pressure Until a heart arrhythmia may occur. Including it may be one of the causes of hardening of the arteries. This is a condition in which the arteries contain fat. There are various inflammations. Comes to adhere to the blood vessel walls Causes blockage of the arteries. and risk of ischemic heart disease

4. Lack of exercise and not getting enough rest

If the heart has never been exercised will not be able to tolerate hard work When are we in a state where the heart has to work hard but the heart can’t take it? It can cause heart failure. Exercising regularly for just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week helps the heart to exercise. Strengthen the heart Ready for more heavy use

Including people who don’t get enough rest or less than 6 hours/day are at risk of heart disease. This is because not getting enough rest will cause insulin resistance. and results in high blood sugar levels This increases the risk of heart disease.

5. Smoking

Many people may think that smoking only causes lung cancer. Actually, cigarettes are an important cause of coronary artery disease. This is because cigarette smoke contains many toxins that are harmful to the cardiovascular system, including nicotine and carbon monoxide. It will cause the coronary arteries to contract. There is a buildup of fat on the artery walls. As a result, the coronary arteries become narrower. Until the heart is deprived of oxygen. coronary artery disease When blood cannot flow to the heart There will be colic and chest pain, especially when exercising. There is a chance of a sudden heart attack leading to death without knowing it.

Prevention and treatment? Keep away from heart disease

Dr. Jirasak Sirithanyanont A cardiologist at the Heart Center at Phyathai 3 Hospital said that heart disease can be prevented by changing lifestyle habits. that result in a risk of heart disease, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and avoid eating foods that are high in fat You must also get enough sleep for at least 8 hours and exercise regularly at least 3-4 days a week, 30-45 minutes at a time, which may be running, swimming, etc.

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The screening for heart disease It is an important thing that should not be overlooked. Because the heart is the main organ. that is important to the body If you have your heart screened first, it will help reduce your risk of heart disease before it’s too late.

The way to treat heart failure is to treat the heart to return to its normal strength. First, if it is found that there is too much water and salt in the body. The doctor will have to remove water and salt from the body first. After that, medicine is given to prevent heart muscle damage. And finally, you have to go and treat the root cause. ‘What is the cause of heart failure?’ in order to prevent it from happening again.

However, if the drug is given in conjunction with lifestyle behavior adjustments Eating That leads to reducing the causes of heart failure, ineffective or heart failure from the coronary arteries becoming very narrow. Severe heart valve leak Until it can no longer be controlled with medication. It is necessary to treat it with surgery.

Heart disease gene test What are the benefits?

Screening for heart disease risk including hereditary vascular disease. It is a proactive health check. Helps predict the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by genetics. For the benefit of planning prevention and better monitoring of disease occurrence. Testing has many benefits, for example:

It helps to know whether there are genes for cardiovascular disease that are inherited or not. Help predict risk To plan prevention before disease occurs In case of symptoms Examination helps find the cause. Confirm the cause of the disease It is important information that helps patients receive accurate diagnosis and treatment when gene mutations are found in patients. This information can be used to recommend direct family members to receive counseling and genetic screening. In addition to this, patients who are in the family planning process and want to have children Able to screen and diagnose genetic abnormalities in embryos, examining abnormalities of the embryo at the genetic level. together with the use of in vitro fertilization technology or in vitro fertilization (IVF) to avoid and stop genetic diseases that can be passed on to infants

How can I check for heart disease genes?

The test uses only a blood sample without fasting from food or water. or saliva samples which must abstain from water Abstain from eating for approximately 1 hour before the test. After that, the blood or saliva sample is extracted into genetic material or what we call DNA (DNA) and examined using modern laboratory equipment. This process is called Next Generation Sequencing to decode the genetics and interpret the results. Although the genetic testing process is simple and convenient, But it is necessary to use the expertise of geneticists and medical genetics specialists to interpret the results correctly and accurately. The interpretation time usually takes 3-4 weeks.

“Gene testing is highly accurate because it uses technology that has been used and has proven its efficiency and accuracy. Including a laboratory that meets international standards. Test results are certified worldwide. We also have medical geneticists and geneticists with the expertise to decipher DNA and interpret the results correctly. Can be checked only once You don’t have to repeat it for the rest of your life.”

How to take care of yourself Keep away from heart disease

Heart failure, if it is already present, has no cure. Therefore, the sooner we allow ourselves to face this condition. It will be the same as making our lives more difficult. Less happy because normally, most people are 50 years old and older and still have difficulty. And if you’re in your early 30s, it’s even more difficult and you’re losing out on opportunities in life.

“To keep us safe Have good health and are far from heart failure. Important things that need to be done today And now it is ‘Modifying lifestyle habits’ to prevent our blood vessels from deteriorating quickly We have to take care of ourselves when it comes to food. and exercise regularly Be careful not to let your blood pressure be high, don’t get fat, don’t let your weight exceed the standard. Don’t let your blood sugar be high. Don’t get diabetes. Don’t smoke Don’t drink alcohol. And don’t be stressed. Get enough rest. Because if you don’t take care of these things, Chances are that we will have heart failure at a young age. There will be even more.”

The heart is like a water pump for the body because it is responsible for pumping blood to various organs throughout the body. Each day the heart has to beat approximately 100,000 times. The heart has to work all the time and for a long time, so it has the right to work. Abnormal and deteriorates with age. And there is a huge risk that the body will send warning signs of danger, starting with heart disease.

If such abnormalities are found, you should immediately see a doctor to determine the true cause. Because heart disease is not something that should be ignored. When you know how to spot disease, you can prevent and treat your heart and keep it away from disease. Maintain balance throughout life is also important So let’s see the easy way. To take care of your only heart

Avoid trans fats.

Bakery foods, snacks, creamers, margarine, junk food, and various fried foods are rich in trans fats that have been hydrogenated into vegetable oil to maintain a semi-solid, semi-liquid state. The oil has properties suitable for frying. Increases bad cholesterol levels (LDL – Low – Density Lipoproteins), reduces good cholesterol levels (HDL – High – Density Lipoproteins), thus having a negative effect on the coronary arteries. Cause heart disease as a result. If consumed in excess or for a long time And it is the reason that cardiovascular deterioration is more common among people at younger ages.

Be careful of diabetes and high blood fat.

From eating habits that go beyond limits Causes diabetes and hyperlipidemia at a young age. It is indeed a risk for heart disease and stroke. for the arteries that supply the heart to deteriorate prematurely Both conditions cause chronic inflammation of the coronary artery walls. If blocked, it can result in chronic ischemic heart disease or acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, controlling blood sugar levels is important.


It directly affects the heart. Whether you smoke a lot or a little, it stimulates the narrowing of the coronary arteries to speed up. Including stimulating the heart to arrhythmia. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 4 people who die from coronary artery disease are attributable to smoking and are 10 times more likely to suffer a sudden heart attack than non-smokers because of nicotine and gases. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke and other substances found to harden arteries. thick blood vessel walls The heart beats irregularly. Insufficient coronary blood supply The heart lacks oxygen. A sudden heart attack occurred.

Eating fish to nourish the heart

Salmon, tuna, snakehead fish, catfish, and other freshwater or marine fish. All contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. A study in the journal JAMA indicates that the body’s intake of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the incidence of severe coronary artery disease by up to 10%. It also reduces the risk of blood clots and increases the flexibility of blood vessels. stimulate blood circulation and reduce cholesterol levels But if you rarely eat fish dishes Taking fish oil capsules is another option. The risks should be assessed by a specialized doctor before consuming.

Exercise and get enough rest.

Focus on burning fat with Fat Burn exercises, which is an exercise during a time when the heart rate is appropriate and has the highest proportion of fat burning. At least 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, restful sleep is important. Especially if you want your heart to be strong. You should not sleep less than 6 – 8 hours per day so that your body can still rest. But the brain will wake up to stimulate the memory to work fully.

Manage stress

Stress and chronic stress increase the risk of heart disease. The sudden stress Especially sadness after losing a loved one in the first month increases the chance of death for people with cardiovascular disease by 2 – 3 times, and if there is depression, it increases the risk of heart disease by approximately 2-3 times. 1.5 – 2 times

Stress management is therefore important. Therefore, going out to do activities and meet friends will help keep your heart healthy. Because having good social relationships with other people helps to reduce stress. Reduce depression Leads to having a healthy heart Because there is trust, comfort, and inspiration from each other.

All body systems are interrelated. Both physically and mentally Therefore, it must be taken care of together in a balanced way to avoid the occurrence of various diseases. Not just heart disease

refer: Rama Channel ,Paolo Hospital Chokchai 4 and Phyathai Hospital

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