Preventing Electric Motorcycle Fires: Essential Tips to Ensure Safety

2023-07-04 19:24:23

Multiple fires related to electric motorcycles have occurred in Cuba in recent months.

In several cases, the outcome was even fatal and in others people were injured. Given the unfortunate rise in accidents of this type, the Fire Department recalls some tips to avoid them.

The first thing to do is let the motorina battery cool down before starting to charge it.

The same should happen as soon as the process is complete. What waiting time? Experts recommend that, at a minimum, the waiting period will be between 30 and 45 minutes.

It is essential to avoid the use of homemade or artisanal lithium batteries, which are a frequent cause of raging fires. It is best to keep the original security devices installed on the computer.

The firefighters also referred to the Facebook profile of TV Camagüey that adaptations to the motorcycle that contradict the manufacturer’s prescriptions should not be made. It is also not advisable to put it on charge without due attention or prevent it from exceeding the time established in the instructions.

Load it, yes, but with supervision

Among the suggestions that are reiterated is that of always loading it under supervision. Do not proceed to connect it inside premises or rooms without monitoring the charging process.

As is known, in many homes in the country there are fires caused by the mishandling of the motorina when charging it.

The material damages, too, have been numerous. Many houses have been reduced to ashes following explosions impossible to control in time.

This very week a similar event occurred in a house in Central Havana. Seven people, including two children, lost their lives in the fire. The cause was the explosion of one of the electric motorcycles that were charged at dawn in the living room of the building.

The Cuban Fire Department assures that a fire with these characteristics can be avoided if the indicated measures are followed.

#avoid #electric #motorcycle #fire #Cuba



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