Preventing Brain Diseases: The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

2023-07-24 00:00:51
More than 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is the best preventive measure (Getty Images)

Every action we take, from communicating to making decisions or the characteristics of our personality, are related to the health of the brain. Which is key to a full life.

According to the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), brain diseases such as dementia and stroke are the second leading cause of death worldwide.

“Taking care of our brain health is essential to maintaining optimal quality of life as we age. By adopting a healthy lifestyle from childhood and taking preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of cerebrovascular diseases and promote healthy aging of the brain,” Dr. Virginia Pujol Lereis, (MN 119,987) deputy head of the Comprehensive Center for Vascular Neurology of Fleni, highlighted to Infobae.

The cardiovascular system plays a fundamental role in brain health

In turn, Dr. Verónica Tkachuk from the Neurology Division of the Hospital de Clínicas of the UBA stated: “There are parameters and risk factors that have historically been associated with heart damage, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, being overweight or obese, and smoking for lung cancer. It is very important to say that all these circumstances and habits also directly affect neurological health and that they can determine future diseases”. Therefore, promoting healthy habits is the best preventive measure. Universal access to professional care, treatment, rehabilitation and assistive technology is essential and it is necessary to start with a solid education in the matter to recognize this type of episodes in time.

In this sense, from the Neurology Division of the Hospital de Clínicas they highlighted that among the most frequent diseases are:

– Cerebrovascular accident (CVA): is a serious condition that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or a blood vessel ruptures. Its main risk factors are linked to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol and smoking. It is also today the second cause of death among noncommunicable diseases according to the WHO.

There are risk factors that have historically been associated with heart damage, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, being overweight, obesity and smoking, which also directly affect neurological health (Getty Images)

– Dementia: More than 55 million people have dementia worldwide, more than 60% of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. Every year, there are almost ten million new cases. Alzheimer’s disease affects almost 75% of patients, in addition to other less frequent causes.

Dr. Gustavo H. Cerezo (MN 66,559), cardiologist member of the Argentine Federation of Cardiology (FAC), told Infobae that “we are a cluster of neurons that learn and contribute to our understanding of the world around us. But as we age, neurons wear out, the brain declines in its function and our mental agility sinks into a peaceful slowness.

Stroke and Alzheimer’s disease are two devastating conditions that threaten the brain: the first due to its sudden onset and its disabling neurological sequelae; the second due to the progressive loss of memory until the disappearance of one’s own identity. Both diseases can be prevented if we preserve our cardiovascular health.

Stroke and Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented if we preserve our cardiovascular health

“Before the first forgetfulness or memory loss, before the first symptom that indicates the beginning of a stroke, our brain was suffering for years in silence. The cerebral arteries became ill, losing their function and becoming progressively occluded. But a timely intervention can prevent, delay or mitigate the consequences of vascular damage to the brain”, said Dr. Augusto Vicario (MN 67075), cardiologist member of the FAC.

Both professionals agree that some recommendations can benefit both heart and brain health.

Although there are genetic conditions and family history that predispose the appearance of some of the aforementioned pathologies, the best way to prevent is by taking healthy behaviors that favor the well-being of the body.

The MInd diet, which combines the Mediterranean and the Dash diets, are protective of the brain

1 – Maintain a balanced diet: include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats such as those found in fish and nuts. Limit the consumption of saturated fats, processed foods and refined sugars.

2 – Maintain a healthy weight: being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Maintaining a proper weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can significantly reduce this risk.

3 – Control blood pressure and cholesterol levels: perform regular medical check-ups and follow the doctor’s instructions to keep these values ​​under control within the individualized goals for each person.

4 – Avoid tobacco use and alcohol abuse: smoking and excessive drinking are recognized risk factors for brain health

Being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. It can be kept under control by practicing physical activity on a regular basis.

5 – Doing physical activity on a regular basis: not only improves cardiovascular health, but also benefits the brain. It is recommended to engage in aerobic exercise – such as walking, running or swimming – at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

6 – Improve night rest and manage stress: Adequate sleep is vital for optimal brain function. It is advisable to look for tools to manage stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, meditation or activities that are enjoyed.

7 – Keeping the mind active: this can help strengthen brain connections and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. It is important to stimulate the brain by participating in intellectual and challenging activities. Reading books, solving puzzles, learning a new language, or playing a musical instrument are examples of this.

8 – Socialize regularly: Social isolation is associated with an increased risk of dementia. We must promote meaningful social ties with friends, family and the community. To do this, the suggestion is to participate in social activities, join interest groups or carry out volunteer activities.

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#Prevention #care #recommendations #neurological #health



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