“Preventing and Treating Eye and Brain Stroke: Tips from a Busan Amendment Division Director”

2023-05-01 22:00:41

Park Soo-jeong, director of Busan Amendment Division

There is a disease that has become common. This is a stroke that is also called ‘stroke’.

As the aging of our society accelerates, the number of patients is also increasing rapidly. It is a disease in which blood flow to the brain is disrupted by blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. It causes quadriplegia, speech impediment, and in severe cases, even takes life. It is more likely to occur in those with high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or obesity, and care is needed as it occurs especially in the cold winter.

By the way, there is also a bottle called ‘eye paralysis’, not ‘jungpung’.


The human eye has a retina that corresponds to a camera film, and it occurs when the blood supply to it is not smooth. A blood vessel in the eye is blocked or burst. Then your eyesight drops dramatically. Just as paralysis is an emergency disease, ‘eye paralysis’ is an ophthalmic emergency disease.

Comedian Lee Yong-sik was known to have been ill, but in fact, it is not easy to treat. Moreover, missing the right time for treatment can lead to blindness. Lee Yong-shik also lost his vision in one eye.

In eye stroke, there are cases where the retinal arteries are blocked and there are cases where the retinal veins are blocked. Blocked arteries are more serious and the risk of blindness is much greater.

A more severe case is ‘central retinal artery occlusion’, which develops in the central artery among the retinal arteries. If this happens, then the golden time for treatment is 24 hours at most. Until then, if the arterial blood flow cannot be circulated by administering a clot-dissolving agent, it will lead to complete blindness. Early detection and treatment are essential.

In contrast, if the retinal veins are blocked, the risk is somewhat less. However, retinal edema leads to various complications such as vision loss as well as glaucoma (neovascular disease). So this also requires a quick treatment. It is known that the rate of additional cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage within one year after an eye stroke is 10%.

Cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage follow within 1 year of eye stroke

Sometimes we hear ‘wrong’ things like, “Do you have blood vessels in your eyes?” When you take pictures inside the eye and show them pictures of the many blood vessels passing through the eye, they are very surprised. I also nod my head.

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There are numerous blood vessels in the human body, and numerous blood vessels, arteries and veins pass through the inside and outside of the eyes.

By the way, among the countless blood vessels that pass through the human body, where can we see with our own eyes and accurately analyze their condition?

It’s just the eyes. Therefore, if the blood vessels in the eye are analyzed well, abnormal conditions such as arteriosclerosis and diabetic complications can be determined in advance.

When does eye paralysis occur, and what are some ways to prevent it?

Once eye paralysis occurs, it is not easy to treat, so prevention is important unconditionally. In particular, if you have chronic metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, you need to manage them better and improve your bad lifestyle in advance.

It is recommended to reduce risk factors such as stress, drinking, and smoking in advance, as well as to do aerobic exercise such as walking, running, and cycling at least three times a week.

It is also necessary to consume foods rich in lutein and beta-carotene on a regular basis. Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and turnips are rich in lutein, and tomatoes, carrots, and seaweed are rich in beta-carotene.

But more important than that is getting your eyes checked regularly. In particular, the ‘fundus examination’ is important. Knowing the condition of the blood vessels in your eyes and preparing in advance is the key to prevention.

Written by Park Soo-jung, the representative director of Sujeongan Department in Busan

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