– “Preventing and Treating Back Curvature: Understanding the Causes and Solutions” – “Understanding and Preventing Age-Related Back Curvature: Tips for a Stronger Spine” – “Combatting Back Curvature: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Methods”

2023-11-20 10:22:00

As you get older, your back can get worse slowly deformed. Towards the outside, there will be a on the back of your body humpback perceived. Then it may be necessary for you to… Stock go. A back curvature can different reason have. But what are they? And what can you do? preventive again?

Reasons for a back curvature

Die Back curvature is also used in medicine Kyphosis called. As a rule, the curvature of the spine begins inconspicuously. So it doesn’t happen from one day to the next that you have to walk with a bent upper body with a cane. Rather, it is a slow and gradual process. Why the process even begins is unclear three main reasons lead back. Opposite t-online.de Andreas Kurth, chief physician for orthopedics and orthopedic surgery at the Mittelrhein Community Hospital in Koblenz and chairman of the Osteology umbrella organization (DVO), reveals the three reasons:

The age-related bone and muscle loss
Die Elasticity of the intervertebral discs decreases with age
Vertebral fractures as a result of osteoporosis

According to Kurth, people lose weight from the age of forty around one percent every year bone and muscle mass. If you are 70 years old, you already have 30 percent less bone and muscle mass than you did when you were 40. As a result, walking upright becomes more and more strenuous. According to Kurth, if the back muscles are increasingly lost, the susceptibility to vertebral bone fractures also increases. In addition, the elasticity of the intervertebral discs decreases with age, which leads to… Overloading of the vertebral bones can lead. This negatively affects the stability of your spine.

Osteoporosis as a risk factor

Osteoporosis is one of the most common Bone diseases in old age. This is according to the Definition of the umbrella organization Osteology a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue. This results in a lower fracture strength of the bone. Have in Germany around 5.2 million Women and 1.1 million Men aged 50 and over have osteoporosis.

There the bones less break-resistant osteoporosis-related bone fractures can occur. The most common of the fractures are: Vertebral body in the lumbar spine, the femoral neck and the radius in the wrist are affected. Osteoporosis is a disease that begins slowly. So you may not notice it at first. There are several vertebral body fractures, the vertebral bodies collapse into a wedge shape. The spine then loses its original shape. The more vertebrae are affected, the more severe it is Height reduction and one Back curvature.

In the course of osteoporosis, vertebral fractures can occur even with little effort appear. Vertebral fractures are often not even discovered but are interpreted as simple back pain. However, it is increasing the risk for further fractures if the fractures remain undetected and untreated. The body’s center of gravity can shift increasingly forward and a pronounced curvature of the back occurs. The skeletal curvature can also lead to a bulging of the abdomen lead. This is also colloquially known as the “osteoporosis tummy”. The deformation of the spine can be clearly recognized externally in the course of osteoporosis. Typical features are a reduction in body size of up to 10 cm and that Drooping excess skin on both sides of the spine. This excess skin becomes visible as it shrinks. The characteristic skin folds are also known colloquially as the “Christmas tree phenomenon”.

Vertebral fractures: How they can be treated

It is important that you seek medical attention for back pain can be clarified. In this way, suspected osteoporosis can be confirmed or ruled out. Osteoporosis can be treated using various measures. The aim is to straighten the torso again. One way to do this is one orthosis in the form of a support bodice. The support corsets are available in different designs. Depending on the severity of your osteoporosis, a different back orthosis may be appropriate. It’s best to ask your family doctor first, who can refer you to an appropriate specialist if necessary.

If you have acute pain due to vertebral fractures, this could be a… Operation become necessary. As Kurth explains, the bone vertebrae are filled with cement and stabilized. Patients were usually pain-free after just a few days after the procedure.

In addition to surgery and an orthosis, one can physical therapy help strengthen the affected muscles. Actively strengthening the back and abdominal muscles relieves the strain on the spine. Further fractures can also be prevented through physiotherapy. In the case of vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis, medication is often used. These can help rebuild the bone. It is important that you take all measures with your your doctor.

Against back curvatures: This is what you can do to prevent it

Basically, the loss of bone and muscle mass occurs with age natural process. However, there are certain things you can do to… to counteract changes. This means you can live longer without symptoms. Among others, these things can help:

On a upright and straight posture pay attention to the Back and abdominal muscles evenly train, for example by swimming Children can already use such desks that “grow with them”

Probably the most important aspect is physical activity. Kurth points out that diet also plays a crucial role in bone health. The mineral calcium is particularly important here. protein is also necessary because the body needs it to build muscle. So you should make sure to include foods with calcium and protein in your everyday life. Lots of calcium You can find them, for example, in milk, Edam cheese, figs and walnuts. You can find protein in chicken breast fillet, peanuts, soy or parmesan, among other things. It should go further Vitamin D intake be ensured. Our body produces vitamin D with the help of sunlight. You could also help meet your needs by eating 1 to 2 fish meals per week. For example, herring, salmon, halibut, sardines and tuna have a higher vitamin D content. If you are unsure whether your vitamin D needs are ideally met, you could use yours doctor talk about appropriate tablets. These will be prescribed to you if necessary.

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