Preventing Alzheimer’s in Down Syndrome: The Breakthrough Vaccine and its Implications

2023-07-09 09:45:49

The syndrome de Down occurs in people who are born with a extra chromosome. This Down syndrome usually causes learning difficulties and physical abnormalities. Scientists are currently working on a vaccine to prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down syndrome. Studies have revealed that two-thirds of people with this genetic disease will be affected by Alzheimer’s disease, the main cause of dementia, before the age of 60. Experts believe that these people are more likely to contract the disease due toa defect in their DNA that limits their body’s ability to shed a toxic protein called amyloid plaquewidely regarded as the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The Swiss pharmaceutical company AC Immune has announced that it has administered the first dose of his amyloid vaccine to a patient with Down syndrome. She recently obtained theauthorization to extend the trial in the United States in order to offer the vaccine to a greater number of people affected by this disease. If successful, further testing of the vaccine, currently called ACI-24060, will be done to assess its potential for preventing Alzheimer’s disease in elderly people without Down syndrome (source 1).

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