Preventing accidental drug ingestion in horses | Handlebars

2024-05-13 07:53:24

Prascend® is the first drug after topical antiparasitic drugs to be implicated in accidental exposure following the use of veterinary drugs. That’s according to a study that looked at all human adverse events reported in France in 2018. Severe hormonal imbalance. For convenience, the pills are usually hidden in some food, usually an apple or a piece of bread. It is usually prepared in advance to give the unsuspecting person time to consume the food.

The National Veterinary Medicines Agency within ANSES reviews recommendations to avoid these accidental ingestions:

Prepare treatments only at the last moment, i.e. before treating the animal; if this is not possible, place the pre-prepared treatment in a sealed box, label it correctly and keep it out of direct reach (Closed cabinet, top shelf).

In case of accidental ingestion, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately and provide drug instructions. However, due to the nature of the symptoms observed, especially neurological symptoms (drowsiness and dizziness), patients should not drive on their own and must be accompanied by someone. It is also strongly recommended not to use the machine. Possibility of reporting adverse reactions to humans following use of veterinary medicinal products in the field ministry of health.

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