Prevented on election Sunday? No problem!

You can also cast your vote using a voting card. What to consider.

The Tyrolean state elections will take place on September 25th. Eligible voters who are unlikely to be able to cast their votes in person at the polling station on election day can vote by voting card instead. After the approval of the provincial election proposals, the issuing of absentee ballots has now also begun in all Tyrolean districts.

Apply for an absentee ballot orally or in writing in the municipality

The absentee ballot must be applied for in the municipality in which the voter is entered in the electoral register, stating the reason for the absence (health reasons, absence from the location or other reasons).

In written form is the application until no later than Tuesday, September 20th, possible. The duration of the postal route must be taken into account and a copy of a photo ID (passport, identity card or driving license) must be enclosed. In the case of an electronic application – for example by e-mail or, depending on the availability of the municipality, via – the identity must also be made credible with a qualified electronic signature or with a scan of an official photo ID or another official document.

The absentee ballot can also be handed in on presentation of a photo ID verbally by Friday, September 23, 2 p.m. at the latest, be requested. A telephone application is not possible. Alternatively, however, a person authorized in writing can pick up the voting card with the written application and a copy of a photo ID in the municipality.

Fill out the absentee ballot at home. Photo: State of Tyrol/ Pölzl

Fill out and hand in the voting card

After receiving the absentee ballot including the ballot envelope and the official ballot paper (delivery following a written application by post, or directly from the municipality in the case of an oral application), it must be filled out personally, unobserved and uninfluenced, placed in the ballot envelope and this in turn placed in the absentee ballot. After closing, the voter must sign the back of the absentee ballot in the area provided for this purpose.

The voting card can in person by no later than Friday, September 23, 2:00 p.m, during office hours in the municipality in which the voter is entered in the electoral register. An authorized person can also bring the absentee ballot to the municipality.

In addition, the voting card can also per Post sent to the municipality: The recipient’s address is already printed on it, the postage is paid by the state of Tyrol. The absentee ballot must be sent by post through Friday 23 February, arrive at the church. Here, too, the duration of the postal route must be taken into account.

Finally, the voting card can too on election Sunday, September 25in the polling station in whose voter register the voter is entered – either by an authorized person or, should you manage to do it, by yourself. The absentee ballot cannot be handed in in other polling stations or municipalities.

Vote by “Flying Electoral Commission”

For people who are unable to go to the polling station themselves on election day due to age, illness or similar reasons, there is also a special electoral authority in each municipality – the so-called flying electoral commission: This comes directly to the home of the eligible voter on election day. The application for the Flying Electoral Commission can by Friday, September 23, 2 p.m. at the latestin writing or orally in the municipality in which the voter is entered in the electoral register.

Here are all the facts explained once more by Christian Ranacher:



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