Prevent your posts and Reels from being shared in Stories

Prevent your posts and Reels from being shared in Stories

2024-05-05 22:30:00

Normally, the Instagram allows other users to share your publications and Reels in their own Stories, together with your username.

What may seem useful to many may also end up being completely useless to others. Therefore, in this article we will show you how to disable this option on your Meta network profile. Let’s go?! 😁

On your iPhone, open the Instagram app and tap your profile photo tab (in the bottom right corner). Then, go to the three little lines (in the top right corner) and go to “Sharing and remixes”.

Finally, uncheck the option “Allow sharing of posts and reels in stories”.

Ready! 😉

#Prevent #posts #Reels #shared #Stories

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