Prevent Dengue Fever Effectively with the #3MPlusDBDVaccine Movement

2023-11-02 05:21:59

It is sad to hear the news that many children are being treated in hospitals, especially regarding dengue fever which we can actually avoid by collaborating with various parties in implementing 3M Plus, for this reason the government continues to inform the public regarding preventing dengue fever.

According to data, dengue fever sufferers are still quite high in Indonesia. According to official data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, from the beginning of the year to the 33rd week of 2023, 57,884 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever have been recorded with 422 deaths spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia.
It would be good for the government, health observers and the community to work together to tackle dengue fever by referring to the 3M Plus Vaccine guide, so that it is effective in preventing dengue fever, and many people are increasingly active in administering the 3M Plus Vaccine.

In cases of dengue fever, it doesn’t matter, mom’s friends who are adults can also get dengue fever. Moreover, the signs or symptoms of dengue fever are almost the same as several other diseases. For this reason, the public can act quickly and not take dengue fever lightly.

In accordance with estimates by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the peak of the El Nino phenomenon is predicted to occur from August to September 2023. 4 As the El Nino phenomenon occurs, temperatures will become warmer, making the Aedes aegypti mosquito even more violent. In fact, the frequency of mosquito bites can increase up to 3-5 times when hot temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius and above.

Reducing the risk of contracting dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or better known as dengue fever, dengue fever vaccination is an important step, both for children and adults. The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has also issued a distribution permit for the dengue vaccine on August 19 2022.

For this reason, we continue to carry out the 3M Plus vaccine stage, as follows, so that it can be implemented by the community in preventing dengue fever.

Recalling the 3MPlus steps, here is a brief explanation.
3M steps:

  1. Cover and Bury
    Apart from having to diligently drain and clean clean water reservoirs, to stop the life cycle of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, you must also close clean water reservoirs and bury used items that are no longer used which can become breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti mosquito;
  2. Recycle
    Used goods that can still be used once more or processed as industrial raw materials can be collected and then taken to be sold to collection and recycling sites. The point is, don’t let there be piles of used goods in the house that can become a place for the Aedes aegypti mosquito to live. If it can be reused into usable goods, it should be reused or recycled;
  1. Plus
    Plus what is meant here are several additional steps or actions that can maximize dengue prevention. One way is to vaccinate once morest dengue fever.

Dengue control needs to be paid attention to and requires active community involvement. With a vaccine that can be given regardless of previous experience of dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is hoped that more children will be protected from dengue hemorrhagic fever. Apart from that, it can of course play a role in reducing the rate of hospitalization due to dengue hemorrhagic fever.

The #Ayo3MplusVaksinDBD Campaign Overcomes the Threat of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Indonesia.

The #Ayo3MplusVaksinDBD campaign was launched as an effort to prevent and control dengue infections in Indonesia. It needs to be noted once more that dengue fever begins with symptoms of fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and the appearance of red spots on the skin which indicates bleeding due to a decrease in the number of platelets and plasma leakage.

If this bleeding is not treated immediately and appropriately, it can cause heavier bleeding and be fatal and can even lead to death. Because there is no specific treatment that has been proven to be effective in treating dengue fever, preventing dengue fever is the main weapon.

Dengue fever can be prevented by stopping the reproduction of the Aedes aegypti mosquito as a vector that infects humans. Prevention of this disease can be done, Dr. Dr. Sukamto Koesnoe, SpPD, K-AI, FINASIM, Chair of the Adult Immunization Task Force, Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialists explained that apart from children, adults are also at risk of contracting dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Because of its proven benefits, the Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI) has recommended that dengue fever vaccination be given to adults up to the age of 45 years.

Currently, dengue hemorrhagic fever vaccination can be given to anyone aged 6 to 45 years with a 3 month interval. By 3M Plus. Regarding 3M Plus as the main weapon in preventing dengue fever, the government in collaboration with Takeda launched the #Ayo3MplusVaksinDHF campaign on September 27 2023.

With this information, together we can prevent dengue fever carefully and invite family, friends and relatives to continue to carry out 3M Plus Vaccination so that the dengue fever rate in Indonesia drops quickly and can even make Indonesia dengue free.

Healthy greetings everyone

#Prevent #Dengue #Fever #Effectively #3MPlusDBDVaccine #Movement

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