2023-11-04 04:10:00
The CPTS Nord Toulousain (Territorial Professional Health Community) was present in the hall last Saturday to hold an awareness stand for the prevention of Colorectal Cancer. This Saturday, November 4, the CPTS will hold a vaccination and flu vaccination awareness stand, will be held at the Maryse Bastié room in Granada from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (access via the courtyard of the space, flight possible on foot). Come with your Vitale card and your health insurance voucher for vaccination. The CPTS can also help you find a treating doctor (in this case, send your request specifying: Name – First name – postal address – telephone number to [email protected] or on cptsnordtoulousain.frThe CPTS Nord Toulousain is a 1901 law association financed by the CPAM and recognized as being of public utility, it covers an area of 24 municipalities. For more information [email protected]
#Grenade #CPTS #raises #awareness #flu #vaccination