Pressure and stress for the 4 signs – 2024-07-19 12:13:24


Mars moves into your sign for the first time in almost two years and puts you at the center of developments as protagonists over the next seven weeks. In the next period and until 04/09 you will have high rhythms in your everyday life and great mobility in your life. Mars in your sign will give you determination, bravery, courage and motivation to realize your ambitions. And while it is not a relaxed period and you will need to work hard to impose yourself, it is a unique time to show how capable you are and how much you can influence others in your environment. Of course, Mars also has its negative sides, for example you will be very nervous and absolute, you will want to do everything your way and this will bring fights, especially if you do not lift a fly on your sword. Surely until 04/09 it will be an intensely competitive period. Beware of health and accidents from haste.


On 07/20, Mars moves into Gemini, the sign that for you Virgos concerns your career sector. From this position, Mars will increase your ambition, make you more hard-working at work, but also more “visible” to others. In fact, if you are seeking a promotion, a job change or a transfer, this period will be very effective. Since Mars is the natural ruler of the 8th house of your horoscope, the “financial” factor will play an important role in your choices. If you work in media, are journalists, writers, social media, internet in general, marketing, sales, commerce, it looks like you might have more luck in the near future. On the other hand, of course, we must not forget that Mars is the planet of assertiveness and aggression… Thus, there may be tensions with superiors or greater competition at the same time. Everything to do with parents, superiors, laws, may feel oppressive at this stage. Try not to fight too much, but to cooperate. New proposals and adaptation to new professional or family environments are in the scenarios.


Mars taking the lead from Taurus moves into Gemini on 07/20 and directs your attention to the area of ​​relationships, partnerships and your love life or marriage until 09/04. In this position, it also concerns the people you may be working with for some reason, such as e.g. your lawyer, your accountant. When Mars takes up position opposite our own sign, it shows that the control from here on down and for the next seven weeks is with others and not so much with you. Even if you have your objections to their choices, you don’t have the upper hand to impose your own way of thinking. Of course you will express any dissatisfaction or objection, but do not expect that it will necessarily be accepted. But don’t get frustrated or upset. On the other hand, a possible scenario is that some changes in your partner’s professional life concern you more during this period. You may also need to adapt to new circumstances, either at work or at home. On the other hand, it’s a period when you may move on to clarifications in relationships, as now complaints and weaknesses that have been covered up for a long time may come to the surface. New partnerships and proposals may also arise. But do not be impulsive and consider the data well before making any final decision personally or professionally. During this time you should be very careful regarding your health.


Mars takes a position in Gemini almost two years later and focuses your attention on matters that mainly concern your home and family. In retrospect, of course, your career or professional life may also be affected. If you want to make a house change you may find what you are looking for from 07/20 to 09/04. Or if you’re thinking of renovating your existing home or redecorating, shopping for furniture or home appliances, the next seven weeks are ideal. Also, if you want to develop a property, find tenants or proceed with a purchase and sale, once more Mars will give you help and motivation. Sometimes this aspect shows the need to stand by an older person in the family environment or there may be problems related to family relationships. The transit of Mars in Gemini can also indicate changes in financial matters or even in the work environment. Of course, this position often creates a kind of tension in your soul and causes strange behaviors or reactions with those around you. Like you’re looking for something you can’t pinpoint or you’re feeling unsatisfied. Don’t give too much importance.

The cartoon of the day by Yiannis Dermentzoglou – Wednesday, July 17

Next to the citizens

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#Pressure #stress #signs



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