In the first debate in the Plenary after the resignation of Kasselakis from SYRIZA and the departure of MPs that will cause changes in the Parliamentary Groups of the opposition, Kyriakos Mitsotakis is expected to put before his responsibilities the Nikos Androulakis who, after his re-election and the “flirt” with the title of leader of the official opposition, tries to convince for a change of attitude and mentality, but insists on a small-party “no to everything”.
It is indicative that yesterday, one day before the debate in Parliament and on the personal doctor bill, PASOK tabled an amendment on the subordination of health workers to the heavy and unhealthy categories, which, as stated by the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, is not costed, reminding the SYRIZA tactic: “It is an amendment without costing. I imagine that no one disagrees and the government and any party would like to make such a move possible, no one disagrees. Unfortunately, PASOK follows a tactic that reminds us of something and we searched and found an exactly the same proposal, an exactly the same amendment submitted by SYRIZA MPs in the not-so-distant 2020, with exactly the same requests. The only thing the PASOK MPs changed is the emblem and the color,” said the government representative.
In his reaction, Mr. Tsoukalas stated that PASOK, since 2020, has tabled 22 times an amendment for the inclusion of health workers in the heavy and unhealthy categories, noting that the conclusion of the Behrakis Committee, which the New Democracy government itself had set. “She’s kept it in her drawer ever since. Why? I imagine that the government representative has read it”, stressed Mr. Tsoukalas and pointed out that the question about costing is obviously pretentious when in the first eight months of 2024 there is an excess of 1.9 billion in tax revenues.
Government sources commented that “Mr. Tsoukalas and PASOK have a habit of answering other than what is asked. In fact, they are forced to proceed with assumptions that we did not hear even from the worst version of SYRIZA of the leftist trees. The question is very simple: have they calculated the cost of what they are proposing through the amendment?’
In today’s debate, Mr. Mitsotakis is expected to speak in the morning, while the president of PASOK-KIN.AL. will take the floor in the afternoon.
He doesn’t change his attitude
Regarding the attitude of Nikos Androulakis after the new developments for the government, it is assumed that it will remain the same as it was before the internal party elections, noting that outside the Parliament he seeks to convince for a consensual profile while at the time of decisions he insists on sterile denial, something he proved by rejecting the government’s proposal for the head of the Ombudsman.
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#Pressing #Androulakis #Kyriakos #Mitsotakis
It looks like you’re working with JavaScript code that handles the loading of various advertising and tracking scripts on a webpage. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements in this code:
1. **AdSense Configuration**:
– The code appears to manipulate AdSense slots based on the viewport or other conditions. If they are within certain criteria, it may load or remove Google AdSense ad slots with the `document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’)` and the related removal logic.
2. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:
– There’s a repeated pattern of using `asyncLoadScript()` which is likely a custom function that loads scripts asynchronously. This is beneficial for performance, as it doesn’t block the rendering of the webpage.
3. **Initialize OneSignal for Push Notifications**:
– The OneSignal service is initialized with a specific `appId`. This code configures OneSignal to handle web push notifications.
4. **Disqus Comment System**:
– The Disqus configuration configures the comment system with a specific URL and identifier, though the URL seems to be incomplete in the snippet.
5. **Script Injection for Various Services**:
– The script features placeholders for loading other advertising services like Phaistos Adman and Taboola, among others. All these references to `asyncLoadScript` indicate that the site utilizes a variety of ad services and likely has different placements or formats for them.
6. **Handling of Glomex**:
- The code also checks for the presence of a `glomex-integration` element and loads a module after a delay.
7. **Generic Loading Patterns**:
– There are comments indicating that certain sections are either commented out or incomplete, suggesting this code might need finalizing or debugging.
8. **Timeouts and Dynamic Loading**:
- It uses `setTimeout` to ensure scripts load after some delay, which can be useful in ensuring that the page has loaded sufficiently before injecting additional code or services.
### Considerations
– **Completeness**: Ensure all URLs and identifiers are filled in completely where there are placeholders.
– **Optimization**: Assess if certain ad scripts can be combined or loaded in a more efficient manner to improve page load times.
– **Testing**: Verify the functionality of each service, especially after modifications, to prevent interruptions in service (e.g., ad serving or comment functionality).
– **Comments and Maintenance**: Clear comments and organize the code well for easy maintenance later on.
If you have further questions or specific areas you want to delve into or improve, let me know!