Press review for Thursday August 7, 2024 –

The message from CENCO, addressed to the Congolese political class, has interested the newspapers published this Thursday in Kinshasa. In its front page Aces Forum titre: « Catholic bishops reiterate
their call for national cohesion
« .

According to this general news daily, the Congolese Episcopate insisted on ”the need to strengthen national cohesion in order to discourage alliances with foreign predators for problems that can be solved internally’’.

In addition, Prosperity reveal that the Bishops and the Archbishop of the DRC say they appreciate the initiatives observed in recent times, precisely the humanitarian truces and the Ceasefire Agreement signed in Luanda between Rwanda and the DRC.


Towards a Kagame-Tshisekedi Meeting

In another register, The New Observer returned to the latest media release of the Angolan president, Joâo Lourenço, focused on insecurity in the East of the DRC.

During an interview with the international press in Luanda on Monday, August 5, 2024, Angolan President João Lourenço announced the imminence of a meeting between the presidents of the DRC Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi and the Rwandan
Paul Kagame, before next October.


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-08 10:17:52
#Press #review #Thursday #August #



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