Press review for Monday July 22, 2024 –

The summons of Jules Alingete by the Congolese justice system is widely commented on by the newspapers published this Monday. In its “front page” the newspaper La Manchette headlines: “ Jules Alingete Key, the man to be taken down ».

In this article, our colleagues return to the comments of a member of the opposition on what is happening in Alingete:

« I have noticed that for some time now, after the absence of the Tuluka government, some
Financial predators who have bled the Republic’s finances dry through extremely overpriced projects without tangible results on the ground, are seeking the head of the Chief
IGF service officer, Jules Alingete Key, who has been doing a titanic job since he took over this institution for the benefit of the country
« .

For its part, Le Monitor returned to the statement of the notables of the province of Mai-Ndombe on the Alingete affair. According to this daily, the notables of the province of Mai-Ndombé ask the President of the Republic to take necessary measures for the physical security of the head of the general inspection of finances whose
work is unanimously praised by all social classes and the international community.

Transparency, for its part, traces the origin of the fire that is decimating today, the General Inspectorate of Finance. For this media, everything starts with a control mission carried out at Gécamines. This control mission, indicates the colleagues, had been diverted for the signing of a financial jackpot. This, in violation of the principles that govern this institution attached to the presidency. This diversion of mission for transparency, is a blunder that has jeopardized the reputation of the IGF.


Judith Suminwa Government Seminar

In another register, the newspaper La Prosperité spoke about the speech of Félix Tshisekedi during the opening of the Suminwa government seminar. In his speech, La Prosperité wrote, the President of the Republic called on members of the government to think of the population.

« Our fellow citizens expect results
tangible, we must live up to their aspirations
» lit-on.


Emongo Gerome

2024-07-22 09:57:49
#Press #review #Monday #July #



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