Press review for Monday, August 19, 2024 –

The 44th summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) caught the attention of newspapers published this Monday in Kinshasa. Addressing the issue, E-Journal Kinshasa focused on the speech of João Lourenço, outgoing president of this structure and facilitator of the Rwandan-Congolese conflict.

« Outgoing SADC President João Lourenço spoke on Saturday at the 44th summit of the regional organization in Harare, Zimbabwe. A long speech in which the Angolan head of state returned to the conflict between the DRC and Rwanda. As mediator in this crisis, he announced to regional leaders that he is working towards the signing of a definitive peace agreement.“, the newspaper specifies.

Speaking of the negotiations that will lead to peace between Kinshasa and Kigali, The Journal believes that the said negotiations are at an impasse since Rwanda has obtained validation of the Harmonized Plan for the neutralization of the FDLR, the DRC, victim of the aggression, is struggling to obtain an agreement on the disengagement of forces for the withdrawal of the RDF from its territory.

Despite the fact that the Luanda negotiations are struggling to reach a compromise, in its columns, The Great Debate said that SADC is providing political, diplomatic and military support to Lumumba’s country.

Forum of Aces provided details on the military support that SADC member states will provide to the DRC. According to the newspaper, SADC reaffirmed its continued commitment to the Joint SADC/DRC Military Mission (SAMI/DRC) deployed in the east.


Claims to the Civil Service

The media published on Monday also addressed the thorny issue of the bonus for civil servants. Addressing this issue in its columns, L’intelligent asks the following question: “ Is Lihau the demon behind the light?«

According to this tri-weekly of analyses and general information, the fed-upness of state agents and civil servants against their supervision was demonstrated on Friday in front of the Ministry of Civil Service. The objective of this march was, explains L’intelligentnot only to denounce the evil spirit that haunts the head of the civil service but also to call on the Head of State to revoke or better replace the one they believed to be an angel in the Sama and Suminwa government.

Speaking about this file Prosperity for her part, took up the defense of Jean-Pierre Lihau by praising his achievements.

« The truth is stubborn but it remains the truth. Despite the systematic exploitation of certain unionists by ill-intentioned people, at the Ministry of Public Service, all employees are paid. They receive their basic salaries accompanied by the recently readjusted sectoral bonus and the famous payroll management bonus. …”, recalls the daily.


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-19 14:42:34
#Press #review #Monday #August #



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