Press review for Monday, August 12, 2024 –

The newspapers published this Monday in the DRC, for the most part, used “the Crisis in the UDPS” as content.

According to the newspaper The Daily The Democratic Convention of the Party (CDP) of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) has “turned the page” on the era of Augustin Kabuya Tshilumba at the head of the presidential party. The latter was relieved of his duties as Secretary General of the emblematic political party of Limete.

This was at the end of the extraordinary session organized by the CDP, Sunday August 11, 2024 at the Sainte-Anne parish, in the commune of Gombe.

Pour Sunday E-Journalthe Democratic Convention said it took this decision after analyzing the reports of the mediation commission, made up of national deputies of the UDPS, and of the disciplinary commission on the crisis which has been shaking this party for some time.

According to the daily life The Journalin place of Kabuya, the CDP designated as interim secretary general for a period
for six months, Déogratias Bizibu Balola, until then deputy secretary general in charge of political and administrative matters.


Senate elections

In another register, the newspapers were interested in the elections taking place this Monday in the upper house of parliament.

« The members of the Senate’s final bureau will be elected and installed this Monday, August 12, after hearing the campaign messages of the selected candidates.” , wrote The Explorer .

Also speaking about these elections, Le Standard info announced that Sama Lukonde is on track to win the election for Senate President.

« With his political grouping, the former head of government is seeking this position in view of the large number of elected officials that his political grouping AB-50 has and which makes him the headliner of the platforms of the Sacred Union. Sama Lukonde is determined at all costs to succeed Modeste Bahati at the perch of the Senate. He has the experience and the capacities. In addition, he enjoys the support of the Head of State. Moreover, it is his loyalty that convinced the Head of State to support him as well as other senators” , indicated Le Standard info.


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-12 11:11:48
#Press #review #Monday #August #



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