Press review for Friday, September 20, 2024 –

The signing of a contract worth more than 70 million USD between KAMOA and several subcontracting companies is widely commented on by the newspapers published this Friday in Kinshasa.

Addressing this matter, The Daily indicated in its columns that twenty-two subcontracting companies have just accessed markets of different kinds within the KAMOA company located in the province of Lualaba and a subsidiary of the large firm IVANOE MINE.

Also returning to the same file, Evening news specified that these include, among other things, markets for the supply of sulfuric reagents, acid, laying of pipes in the underground mine, gardening and others.

The Great Debate also focused his pen on the intervention of Annabelle Oosthuizen, administrator at the company KAMOA COPPER.

« During the ceremony organized for the occasion, Annabelle Oosthuizen, administrator at the company KAMOA COPPER gave the importance of the integration of local entrepreneurs in the value chain of this company as well as the efforts made by KAMOA to be a model in Congolese subcontracting.“, the tabloid wrote.

Opinion from Africa closed the file, citing by name the companies that won the various markets. These include, in particular: E – Logic Sarl IT Services, Kasongo Kipabi Sarlu, Gardening Services…


The States General of Justice

The newspapers published this Friday in Kinshasa also announced the upcoming organization of the general states of justice. Speaking of the general states of justice, Prosperity wrote:

« As soon as he returned from his medical stay after his poisoning, Minister Constant Mutamba continued the process of reforms of the judicial system. Judged ill by the Supreme Magistrate, the Patron of Justice who was tasked with administering him therapy, received on Wednesday, September 18, the President of the High Council of the Judiciary (CSM). On the menu: the States General of Justice“, writes the daily.

Exclusive DRC for his part, specified that the general assembly of Justice in the DRC will be organized, barring unforeseen circumstances, at the end of October.


Emongo Gerome

2024-09-20 12:53:45
#Press #review #Friday #September #



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