Press review for Friday, August 23, 2024 –

The meeting between Mukoko Samba, head of the national economy and consumer rights structures, interested the newspapers published this Friday in Kinshasa.

Speaking about this meeting, The Daily a reported that some three days after receiving the major importers, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Daniel Mukoko Samba, brought together in his working office the Consumer Rights Organizations on Thursday, August 22, 2024. The discussions focused on the measures taken against the high cost of living in the DRC.

Also addressing the topic, Africanews focused on Mukoko Samba’s intervention in front of his guests.

« During this meeting with the Integrated Network of Consumer Rights Organizations, the head of the National Economy reminded his hosts that this exchange meeting aims to convey the instructions of the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi on the fight against the high cost of living. During the interview, Daniel Mukoko
Samba said that these measures constitute the first step in a long process
” he wrote to the tabloid.

For his part, Econews focused his pen on the reaction of the hosts of the Minister of National Economy. According to this tri-weekly of general information, taking the floor, Mr. Derick Tshibamba, Coordinator of the Integrated Network of Consumer Organizations, wanted to thank the Head of State for his vision. This, before indicating that the Organizations have drafted at the level of the Network a project, a communication and popularization plan so that the Congolese nation, the Congolese Associations are aware that there are favorable to lighten the purse of the Congolese.


Complaint against General Claude Kifwa

The Kinshasa newspapers also covered the case between General Kifwa and lawyer Fabby Mushibi. According to The Journalthe eyes of Congolese lawyers are unanimously turned towards the high military court where the complaint of the president of the bar Maurice Kanyama Mudishi was filed against General Jean Claude Kifwa, accused of torture, attempted assassination, assault and battery on the lawyer Fabby Mushibi.

Also speaking in his columns about this file, Exclusive DRC returned to its genesis.

« It’s like being in the colonial era when the settlers had everything to say and the natives had nothing to say! In August 2024, Me Kabwende Mushibi Faby, a lawyer at the Haut/Lomami Bar who disagreed with a high-ranking army officer, was flogged on the public highway like a thug caught red-handed stealing. General Jean-Claude Kifwa, in a rage, since it was him we’re talking about, wanted to correct him. Jumping at the opportunity, he first addressed him before ordering the elements under his command to beat him up properly. The stunned onlookers couldn’t believe it.… »


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-23 11:06:08
#Press #review #Friday #August #



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