Press review for Friday, August 16, 2024 –

The resurgence of monkeypox has caught the attention of newspapers published this Friday in Kinshasa.

Pour Forum of Aces, The DRC is seeking 3 million doses of vaccines to stop this epidemic.

« Like many countries, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is facing the spread of Monkeypox disease, also known as Mpox. During a special press briefing co-hosted yesterday, Thursday, August 15, with his colleague from Communication and Media, the
Minister of Public Health, Samuel Roger Kamba, stressed the urgency of the situation while calling for mobilization to obtain the necessary vaccines to contain this epidemic. The Minister of Public Health explained that to eradicate the disease, the DRC needs at least 3 million doses of vaccines
“, writes the daily.

Africanews has meanwhile returned to the assessment of this epidemic in the DRC since the beginning of the year. According to this daily, monkeypox has already caused 548 deaths out of 15,664 potential cases reported since the beginning of the year.

Always addressing the same subject, The Journal has provided details on the provinces affected by monkeypox.

“Today, in the DRC, 15 out of 26 provinces are affected by this smallpox. Four of them are breaking the record. These include the province of Equateur with 5,356 suspected cases, 485 confirmed cases, 9% testing and 298 deaths. In second place, South Kivu with 2,213 suspected cases, 913 confirmed cases, 41% and 17 deaths. In third place, Sankuru with 1,158 suspected cases, 54 confirmed cases, 5% testing and 49 deaths.

In the top 4 we also have Sud Ubangi with 1,069 suspected cases, 216 confirmed cases, 20% and 29 deaths,” we read.


Standoff between Constat Mutamba and the magistrates

The newspapers have also taken an interest in the battle that has just been launched between the magistrates and the Minister of Justice. The exclusive DRC, Magistrates attack Mutamba for his media appearances.

In a recently released press release, the magistrates of the Autonomous Union of Magistrates of Congo (SYNAMAC), attacked Constant Mutamba, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals. Among the grievances retained against the
head of Congolese Justice, they denounce in particular “the propensity” of the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, in his media appearances, to want to make the Magistrates the sole actors of justice.
In reaction, Mutamba affirms that the courageous reforms to straighten out Congolese justice will continue to the general satisfaction of the population.


Emongo Gerome

2024-08-16 15:29:42
#Press #review #Friday #August #



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