Press release from the Council of Ministers of Wednesday March 16, 2022

Dakar, March 16 (APS) – The President of the Republic, His Excellency Macky SALL chaired the Council of Ministers, this Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at the Palace of the Republic.

At the beginning of his communication, the Head of State addressed his thanks and his warm congratulations to the Caliph of Medina Gounass, Thierno Amadou Tidiane BA, and to the faithful, for the exceptional welcome during his courtesy visit, to the occasion of the Daaka of Medina Gounass, but also for the perfect organization of the spiritual retreat.

The President of the Republic stresses that this international religious event took place in excellent conditions, with the support of State services, in accordance with his directives.

Addressing the question related to the finalization of the preparation of the 9th World Water Forum which will be held from March 21 to 26, 2022, in Senegal, the President of the Republic underlines that this major international meeting, which will see the participation of several Heads of State and Government, heads of international institutions, experts and stakeholders in the water sector, will be a high point of discussion and sharing of experiences on water-related issues.

The Head of State therefore asks the Government to take all the necessary measures, in conjunction with the World Water Council and the Executive Secretary of the 9th World Water Forum, in order to ensure the smooth running, in the best conditions at Diamniadio, of all officially scheduled activities.

The President of the Republic indicates that he attaches importance to the promotion of the national policy in terms of universal access to water (and sanitation for all), but also to the mobilization of the living forces of the Nation , to make the 9th World Water Forum a historic success for Senegal and a marker of the water sector development agenda.

Continuing his communication, the Head of State addressed the issue related to the sustainable development of the department of Keur Massar, 46th department, which he created to strengthen local administration and consolidate the sustainable territorial development of this locality.

Under this report, and drawing the conclusions of the second listening session “JOKKO AK MACKY”, exchanges with the young people and the living forces of Keur Massar, during which the urgencies and the priorities of the populations were announced and recalled, the President of the Republic asks the Minister of Territorial Communities, Development and Regional Planning, in conjunction with the Ministers in charge of Town Planning, Finance and the Economy, to speed up in line with the National Development Plan Planning and Territorial Development (PNADT), the finalization, before April 15, 2022, of a special planning and development program for the department of Keur Massar.

This special program must include an emergency phase of priority public investments over the period 2022-2023.

The Head of State indicates, in this context, the imperative to accelerate the finalization of the works of the Niayes road, the Health Center, as well as the construction of a bus station, a secondary school technology, a socio-cultural center and a modern market.

The President of the Republic also invites the Government to intensify, with the DER/FJ, the financing of young people and women residing in Keur Massar, in order to consolidate the entrepreneurial culture in the department.

The President of the Republic asks, within the framework of the amplification of the implementation of the programs of territorial equity and social inclusion, to the supervising Ministers (of the PUDC, PUMA, PROMOVILLES, PACASEN urban, PACASEN rural, PNDL ), to intensify with their teams, field missions to the populations, with a view to accelerating the construction of basic social infrastructure at the territorial level.

On the social climate and the monitoring of internal affairs, the Head of State insisted on the following points:

1- the preventive strategy for fighting floods: on this point, the President of the Republic asks the Minister for Water and Sanitation, in conjunction with the Minister of the Interior, the Minister in charge of Local Authorities and the Minister of Finance and Budget, to initiate the necessary steps for the rapid deployment of pre-wintering operations and the acceleration of “rainwater” sanitation works in all the localities concerned in the country, paying particular attention to the cases Keur Massar (with the full completion of the emergency phase of PROGEP 2), Mbao and Touba (with the deployment of the special rainwater drainage plan at a cost of 23 billion FCFA).

The Head of State invites the Minister of Water and Sanitation to meet regularly, starting in April, the National Committee for the Prevention and Fight once morest Floods (CNPLI) and to make an exhaustive assessment of the ten-year flood control plan (2012-2022).

The President of the Republic also invites the Minister of Water and Sanitation to present, in a logic of consolidation, the basic studies and orientations relating to the new national flood control program which will be submitted to his validating;

2- improving the management of kidney disease: on this point, the Head of State asks the Minister of Health and Social Action and the Minister of Community Development, Social and Territorial Equity (technical supervision of the Agency for Universal Health Coverage), to ensure the adequate implementation at the level of all health structures of the policy of free dialysis, with a view to ensuring the sustainable management of renal failure patients.

The President of the Republic indicates, in this regard, to the Minister of Health and Social Action, to propose a national plan to fight once morest kidney disease.

This Plan must integrate active prevention and specialist training measures, and optimize the costs of acquiring equipment and inputs, as well as the services associated with the rapid and effective treatment of patients.

The Head of State closed his communication on his diplomatic agenda and on the follow-up of cooperation and partnerships.


– The Minister, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic took stock of the follow-up to presidential directives and instructions;

– The Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation made a presentation on the launch of the joint annual review (RAC) 2022;

– The Minister of Health and Social Action made a presentation on the partnership between Senegal and the NGO Mercy Ships in the context of strengthening the supply of surgical care;

– The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Equipment made a presentation on the groundnut marketing campaign and on horticultural product export statistics;

– The Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation gave a presentation on the project to create preparatory classes for Grandes Ecoles (CPGE);

– The Minister of Youth made a communication on the national youth week 2022 edition;

– The Minister attached to the President of the Republic in charge of Monitoring the Emerging Senegal Plan made a presentation on the development of the three (03) cereal corridors.


The Board considered and adopted:

– The bill authorizing the creation of the National Company for Integrated Waste Management;

– The draft decree creating and setting the rules for the organization and operation of the Senegalese Agency for Pharmaceutical Regulation (ARP).


The President of the Republic has taken the following decisions:

Mr. Oumar Abdoulaye BA, Design Engineer, previously Special Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, is appointed Director General of the Senegalese Agency for Reforestation and the Great Green Wall, replacing Mr. Haidar El Ali;

Mrs. Sophie DIALLO, Holder of a Master’s degree in Public Administration, is appointed Director General of the Vocational and Technical Training Financing Fund (3FPT), replacing Mrs. Mame Aby Sèye, called to other functions;

Mr. Abibou NGOM, Civil Administrator, is appointed Secretary General of the University Amadou Mahtar MBOW (UAM), replacing Mr. Ibrahima WONE, admitted to assert his rights to a retirement pension.

Mr. Oumar SY, has been appointed as Full Professor, specialty: Geography and Environment, at the Science and Technology Training and Research Unit of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor.

Mr. Ansoumana DIATTA, has been appointed Full Professor, specialty: Pneumophtisiology, at the UFR of Health Sciences of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor.

Mr. Boubacar FALL, has been appointed Full Professor, specialty: Urology, at the UFR of Health Sciences of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor.

Mrs. Evelyne Siga DIOM, has been appointed Full Professor, specialty: ENT and Cervicofacial Surgery, at the Department of Health Sciences of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor.

Done in Dakar, March 16, 2022

The Minister of Territorial Communities,

Development and Planning of

Territories, Government Spokesperson




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