President’s Subsidized Fuel Restrictions Still in Socialization Stage

Pertamina gas station (MI/Agus Utantoro)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) responded to the plan to limit subsidized fuel on October 1, 2024, which was previously initiated by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia.

The President said that until now there has been no special meeting at the Palace to discuss the matter. However, he said the government is currently conducting a socialization process related to the fuel restriction plan.

Because, the government still has to first see the economic conditions of the community before making a decision. “I think we are still in the process of socialization, we will see what the conditions are like in the field. There has been no decision and no meeting,” said Jokowi in Yogyakarta, today.

However, Jokowi confirmed that there are two things that urge the restriction of subsidized fuel. The first is related to air pollution in big cities, especially Jakarta.

Second, Jokowi wants the 2025 State Budget to be efficient. Because so far, many subsidized fuels have been distributed but not on target. Subsidies set by the State Budget have finally leaked.

“The first one is related to Jakarta, especially pollution, the second one is we want efficiency in our APBN. Especially for 2025,” said Jokowi.

ESDM Minister Bahlil Lahadalia previously said the government planned to limit subsidized fuel on October 1. “Yes, there is a plan. Once the regulation is out, the Ministerial Regulation is out, there will be time for socialization. Well, this socialization time is currently being discussed,” said Bahlil at the DPR Jakarta, Tuesday (8/27/2024). (Try/P-2)

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