Presidential elections: everything you need to know about the voting process

  • There are several factors that must be taken into account for the electoral process to be quick and successful. The newspaper explains everything you need to vote on July 28

At dawn on July 28, a long day will begin for many Venezuelans. That day, the presidential elections will be held, in which, according to the National Electoral Council (CNE), more than 21 million people are eligible to vote, although the number will be lower taking into account the Venezuelan diaspora.

According to the Organic Law of Electoral Processes (Lopre), voting tables must open at 6:00 am and close at 6:00 pm if there are no more voters in line. Otherwise, the center must remain open until the last voter in that line votes. However, the CNE usually extends voting for one hour longer than the regulations.

That day, as in every process, there are special measures to ensure public order, such as the Prohibition Law that prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before and following the vote, the same with celebrations and public shows.

The Constitution provides for universal, direct and secret suffrage, so that eligible citizens can exercise their right freely without being subjected to any type of coercion or blackmail, or being forced to reveal their vote. Even so, it is important to take several things into consideration so that this act takes place normally and that moment at the ballot box culminates in a successful manifestation of the citizens’ will.

That’s why, The newspaper presents everything you need to know to vote in the presidential elections on July 28.

What should be taken into account when voting?

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

The only document needed to vote is your ID card, even if it is expired. When you arrive at the voting center, you must look for your ID number on the list located at the entrance to find out which polling station you will be assigned to. You can rely on an official from the CNE or Plan República for this task.

Political campaigning is prohibited inside the voting centers and within the 200-meter security perimeter around them, although this rule has often been violated by the official command with the installation of the so-called “red points.” Even so, it is recommended to refrain from wearing clothing or accessories that make direct reference to a candidate or political tendency, or that might be interpreted as such by the Plan República.

Although the CNE clarifies that there is no dress code for voting, during the electoral simulation on June 30, there were reports of cases in which the military prevented the entry of people wearing shorts and Bermuda shorts. For this reason, although it is important to wear comfortable clothing, it is best to avoid wearing them that day, as well as short skirts, low-cut tops, T-shirts or sandals.

Because the wait may be extended due to long lines, it is recommended to bring an umbrella for rain or sun, as well as a folding stool in case you cannot stand for long periods of time. Also bring other items such as water, cookies, sunscreen or any necessary medication if you have a medical condition.

What will the voting process be like?

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

The voting process usually follows the traditional “horseshoe” pattern used by the CNE in previous electoral processes. Once you have lined up and entered the corresponding voting station, the first step is to hand in your laminated ballot at the first station.

There, the polling station member will verify his/her data in the Integrated Authentication System, and must place his/her thumbs on the machine for biometric registration. Once this is done, the polling station member will proceed to unlock the voting machine, which must have a cardboard curtain high enough so that his/her vote can be seen.

The voting machine consists of a touch screen on which the ballot with the selection of candidates will appear. To choose, press the card of the candidate of your choice, which will take you to a confirmation screen where you will see the chosen card in greater detail.

If this is not your choice and you want to return to the ballot, you can press the arrow located in the lower left corner of the screen. If you are sure of your decision, press the “Vote” button in the center of the screen and wait for the ballot to be printed.

Recommendations for voting

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

It is important not to abruptly remove the ballot and to check that all the details (name of the candidate and initials of the candidate organization) match your selection. Once this has been done, the paper must be carefully folded and placed in the ballot box provided at the next station.

Finally, you go to the last station to sign and put your fingerprint in the voting booklet, right where your name is indicated. There you will be given your ballot back and you must leave the room.

It is important to remember that voting is secret and individual. The machine will not keep any record of your data and no one can be forced to show their decision to third parties. Polling station members must not allow anyone to vote with someone else.

The only exception will be assisted voting for disabled or illiterate people, ensuring that their companion does not take advantage of the opportunity to exert any influence or coercion over their choice.

In the event of a power outage at the polling station, the machines are equipped with special batteries that give them a battery life of up to 10 hours. However, since the failure can hinder other steps in the process such as the transmission of votes, the heads of the polling stations can choose to switch to manual voting in accordance with the protocol.

Voting abroad

For the elections on July 28, the CNE reported that only 69,211 Venezuelans will be able to vote from abroad. They must go to the Venezuelan consulate in the city where they appear in the Electoral Registry. In this case, the voting process will be manual, so care must be taken to ensure that the ballot is in good condition when depositing it in the ballot box and to mark only in the space established by the members of the table.

Invalid vote and electoral crimes

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

Although it is an extremely easy and quick process, however, it is not exempt from cases where, due to human error, the vote can be declared null. In its article 136, the Lopre establishes in which cases a null vote can occur:

1. The voter does not select any candidate.

2. The time allowed to exercise your right expires (there is no standard in the law, although the CNE handles an average of two minutes to complete the entire process, so following that period the members of the table will ask you to hurry up).

Once the ballot is printed, the process cannot be repeated or your selection changed, so you should ask the table coordinator for assistance if you notice any fault or irregularity with the machine before pressing “vote.”


Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

Under no circumstances may the ballot be torn, crumpled or destroyed, or the ballot may be removed from the box once it has been deposited, or the voting machine may be hit or damaged. Nor may photos or videos of the vote be taken, either on the machine or of the ballot. These are considered electoral crimes that may carry fines of between 15 and 50 tax units (135 bolivars to 450 bolivars).

This same penalty also applies to those who provide false information to the Electoral Authority, such as false ID cards or accreditations, or deceive members of the table to vote more than once. The Lopre also establishes a penalty of between 20 and 60 UT (Bs. 180 to Bs. 540) for entering a voting center armed without being a member of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB). If the sanctioned person is a public official, the penalty will also include immediate dismissal and disqualification from holding public office for one year.

Other electoral crimes that the CNE also includes in its regulations are the alteration of public order, preventing or obstructing the work of the members of the table or the counting of votes, as well as any act that disturbs the tranquility of the process. Consuming, dispensing or selling alcoholic beverages.

After voting

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

CNE regulations state that voters cannot remain inside the polling stations once they have finished voting. Only witnesses accredited by political parties can be there throughout the day and ensure that it runs smoothly. Even so, voters can be outside the centre as long as they comply with the 200-metre security perimeter.

Voters may re-enter the polling station once the tables have closed to conduct a citizen audit of the counting process. This audit is a right protected by law to accompany witnesses and verify that the vote counting is completely transparent.

Article 140 of Lopre guarantees that no official or member of the board can prevent the entry of people as long as it is peaceful and in accordance with the capacity of the center:

The counting of votes is public and the members of the Electoral Board will allow the presence of voters and electoral witnesses at the premises, with no limitations other than those arising from the physical capacity of the premises and the security of the electoral act.

Regional and municipal elections November 21, 2021 El Diario by José Daniel Ramos
Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

The five tasks

Opposition leader María Corina Machado published a video on July 15 in which she made a series of recommendations to citizens when voting. She asked her followers to carry out “five tasks” to protect the voting centers and guarantee the citizen audit on July 28.

“First point: vote very early, as early as you can. Make sure you go, that you are there, and that throughout the entire process you are enjoying it and registering it. Secondly, and very importantly, take care of the center throughout the day. Agree with your family, your neighbors or your friends to take turns so that our centers are accompanied throughout the day,” he said.

He clarified that this will be so that the community can support the electoral witnesses and volunteers of the 600 K Network, although as established by law, this accompaniment must be outside the voting centers and the security perimeter. In the case of people with commandos, the third task will be to assist in previously planned logistics, such as mobilizing voters or bringing food and water to the witnesses.

The fourth task, he said, will be to be attentive to document the entire process. He added that he enabled his social networks, as well as those of candidate Edmundo González and the Comando con Venezuela to send any report on the development of the day.

Finally, he called on citizens to participate in citizen verification within the voting centers once the tables are closed. “We are going to count the votes piece by piece and we are going to stay there until all the results are known. Once that happens, it will be time for celebration,” he said.

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2024-07-20 23:02:57



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