Presidential election: the results in Los Angeles

This Saturday, April 9, 2022, French voters in Los Angeles voted. A very sparse crowd and, unsurprisingly, a low turnout, less than 20% with 3,376 voters taking part in the ballot (out of the 17,573 registered), down from 2017 (according to unofficial results compiled by French Morning).

It is the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron, who tops the 7 polling stations with 55.61% of the votes cast, i.e. 10 points more than in 2017. A figure to put into perspective, the number of votes recorded being, him lower than 2017 (1854 votes against 2510).

He is ahead of the candidate of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon who recorded 13.71% of the vote, a score slightly higher than 2017 (he had then gleaned 12.29% of the vote).

The candidate Eric Zemmour invites himself on the third step of the podium and receives 11.6% of the vote (372 votes). At the foot of the podium, Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate totaled 7.41% of the vote. Marine Le Pen follows, who achieves a score down from the 2017 edition, i.e. 3.99% against 8.02% in 2017. She is closely followed by Valérie Pécresse, the candidate Les Républicains who records 3.48% of the vote, ie 23 points less than Francois Fillon who then wore the colors of the party.

Then follow the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo (2.19%), the candidate of the Résistons! party, Jean Lasalle (0.84%), the candidate of the Debout la France party, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (0.63%), the candidate of the New Anticapitalist Party, Philippe Poutou (0.48%), the communist candidate Fabien Roussel (0.30%), and the spokesperson for Lutte Ouvrière, Nathalie Artaud comes last with 0.21% of the vote and 7 votes in her asset.

The results in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, out of a total of 1,003 registered voters, only 187 voters went to the polls for 181 votes cast. The participation rate is very low, at 18.05%. This first round of the presidential election in Las Vegas is marked by the duel between Emmanuel Macron and Eric Zemmour who both finish tied with 32.04% of the vote. Marine Le Pen comes third with 15.47% of the vote. She is followed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon who obtained 6.63% of the votes cast. The candidate of the Greens, Yannick Jadot, is placed fifth with 4.42% of the votes followed by Valérie Pécresse who totals 3.31%, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2.76%), Anne Hidalgo (2.21%), Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Artaud are tied at 0.55% and Fabien Roussel and Jean Lassalle finish with no votes to their credit.

READ ALSO: The results in the United States

(Results for San Diego and Scottsdale are not yet known at the time of publication of this article. It will be updated later).

Article by Alexis Chenu in Los Angeles and Laurent Garrigues in Las Vegas.

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