Presidential debate: weaknesses and strengths of the candidates

2023-10-01 20:00:00

At 9 p.m., from Santiago del Estero, the five candidates will meet on the first presidential debate facing October. Sergio Massa, Javier Miley, Patricia Bullrich, Myriam Bregman y Juan Schiaretti They will speak on three topics: Economy, Education and Human Rights and Democratic Coexistence. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to ask each other questions although there will be no cross-examination. Each one prepared in their own way: simulations, technical advisors and the strategic choice regarding who it was best to polarize with.

The candidates who will participate are those who exceeded the 1.5 mark in the PASO. The debate will be divided into three blocks. In the first, the candidates will introduce themselves and explain the axes of Economy y Education. In the second they will develop their proposals on Human rights and there will be questions crossed between them. In the third each one will have a moment to make their closing.

Presidential debate, what you need to know: locations, topics and details of the five candidates

On this occasion all presidential candidates will have the opportunity to ask the rest a question. Therefore, all teams work with the certainty that surprises may appear. “You don’t know what each one is going to come out with.“, recognizes someone who collaborates with one of the candidates.

However, the regulations of the 2023 presidential debate do not allow cross-examination nor will there be face to face, so it is expected that the crossings will not escalate. Candidates will be allowed right of reply. On five occasions, if they feel directly addressed during an opponent’s presentation, they will be able to respond within a time limit of 60 seconds.

Patricia Bullrich

The Together for Change candidate will present herself as the right woman to bring “order” and the “future” of Argentina. To talk regarding security, her great workhorse, Bullrich You will have to wait for the second debate – which will take place on October 8 -.

During the campaign the speech of Bullrich It focused on the diagnosis of the current situation and the idea of ​​putting an end to Kirchnerism. However, he now also wants to incorporate a purposeful tone with a forward-looking view.

“The idea is not to stay only in the present talking regarding how bad we are. The challenge is that there is a contradiction: people ask you to talk regarding the future but then they become more interested in the diagnosis, in the agonal part of politics, As Aristotle said, what is conflict. Massa The present is complicated because he is the present today mercy His future is diluted because his dollarization proposal, for example, vanished,” describes someone who participated in the preparation.

Bullrich began working on the debate weeks in advance. However, in the previous days she dedicated more time to him. He canceled a trip to San Juan and San Luis to take care of his voice because he had problems with hoarseness. “The campaign kills you,” they acknowledged in those around him.

In the team that accompanied her during the preparation there were leaders such as Hernan Lombardi, Laura Alonso y Juan Pablo Arenaza as well as advisors, collaborators and people who know the language of the media and who are close to Together for Change. The consultant also joined Guillermo Raffoan Argentine who lives in Brazil and who was close to the political process in which they participated Jair Bolsonaro y Lula DaSilva.

The last mock debate that the team did was on Friday the 29th in a Buenos Aires television studio. A set similar to what will be seen tonight and five lecterns were set up. Bullrich rehearsed with Alonsowho acted as the candidate Bregman y Eduardo Amadeo made of Schiaretti. The names of those who represented mercy already Massa They did not transcend. In theory, one would be linked to the academic world and the other to the media and that is why they prefer to maintain reservations.

A survey by the Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (CELAG) asked respondents If the leader of Together for Change understands economics. 57.8% responded that “they don’t understand anything” and 37.2% that “they have a solid team that advises them.”

10 economic proposals from Bullrich, Massa and Milei if they become president

Therein lies the great weakness of the candidate and the recommendation made to her by her possible Minister of Economy, Carlos Melconian, was to try to be as broad as possible when talking regarding the topic. Furthermore, he advised him to make an effort not to focus on technicalities and to make political statements on the issues being debated.

And while there are those who insist that the challenge of Bullirch is to avoid being blurred between Massa y Mileo, in their team they downplay this scenario and emphasize that the deate regulations will prevent major crossovers between the candidates. “With 45-second replies you cannot generate polarization, unless there is a tacit or explicit agreement between them,” the leader’s collaborators slip.

Javier Miley

Javier Milei 20230906

mercy, the candidate of La Libertad Avanza and the one who obtained the most votes in the August PASO, knows that he will be the most attacked by his adversaries and is the one who has the most to lose. His challenge is to remain calm and not appear like an unstable man, a ghost that haunted him throughout the campaign but that has worsened in recent days. In fact, in the Celag survey it was concluded that Argentines identify it with the word “violence”.

In this first instance of debate, it is in his favor that the first topic to be discussed is Economics, the area where he feels most comfortable. In Education and Human Rights he will have a challenge: it is likely that his proposal for educational vouchers will be questioned and that the relativist positions of the dictatorship of his vice presidential candidate will be pointed out. Victoria Villarruel.

The strategy of Victoria Villarruel, candidate for vice president of Milei, to “relativize” crimes of the dictatorship

The libertarian candidate was not conducting mock debates. However, his team confirmed that he decided to reduce media overexposure to concentrate on the content of the day. mercy is studying the content and is accompanied by a team of people he trusts among those who are Nicolas Posse, Sandra Pettovello, Martin Krause, Juan Napoli, Ramiro Marra y Villarruel.

Their strategy is to polarize with Massacircumstantially hit Bullrich and ignore the Schiaretti already Bregman. “That is the idea, but we have to see how it turns out because Javier finds it difficult not to respond to criticism,” they acknowledged close to the candidate. Milei must train to avoid the darts that may come from adversaries with whom he does not want to confront, especially with the left-wing leader, with whom he shared a debate in 2021 as a candidate for legislator and had moments in which he became upset.

Sergio Massa


The candidate of Union for the Homeland He slowed down the pace of the campaign on Thursday to dedicate himself fully to preparing for the debate. His bet is to present himself as a man with management capacity and extensive knowledge of the functioning of the State. Furthermore, he will highlight having been the official who agreed to command the Ministry of Economy in the middle of the crisis, as seen in the campaign, in which he took advantage of every opportunity to define himself as someone with “courage” who does not avoid problems.

According to Celag, the word with which most Argentines identify Massa is “failure”. That’s what his team is thinking: the official candidate is likely to be attacked for inflation, poverty and the general situation of the Argentine economy. What will he try to do? There are those who speculate that he is trying to distance himself from the decisions made by the president. Alberto Fernandez and the former minister Martin Guzman and, to some extent, also from Cristina Fernández.

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It is expected that during the debate Massa announce who will accompany you in the Ministry of Economy if you win the election and also who will take charge of the Central Bank. In addition, it will ratify that the directors of the organization will be divided between pro-government and opposition members.

The Catalan advisor Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí followed the details of the preparation of Massa. In addition, the deputy chief of staff, Juan Manuel Olmos and communication advisor Santiago García Vázquez.

As it turned out, his intention will be to polarize with mercy, but with care not to personally attack or insult his voters. To do this, it will focus on the libertarian proposals that generate the most rejection, such as the carrying of weapons (65% of Argentines are once morest, according to a Celag survey); the most crazy ones like the sale of organs.

Myriam Bregman

The Left Front-Unity candidate is confident. The presidential debate is for Bregman an opportunity to raise his level of knowledge – one of his main weaknesses – and he is clear regarding which electorate he should go look for: the voters who in the PASO elected Juan Grabois“to the weak vote of mercy“, as they defined in their team, the one who leaned towards other options on the left, the one who did not vote and the one who voted blank.

Myriam Bregman

“We went from an election of 27 options to one of 5. We want to address our potential vote,” they said from the surroundings of Bregman. The candidate has experience in parliamentary debates and her team emphasizes that she has the knowledge and freshness to speak in this type of interventions.

He did not carry out drills, but instead focused on two topics: identifying what his “strong ideas” should be and training his synthesis ability to be as complete as possible with the times. The team that accompanied her in her preparation was made up of her running mate, Nicolás del Caño, Christian Castillo, Andrea D’Atri, Guillermo Pistonesieconomists Lucy Ortega y Pablo Aninoand members of La Izquierda Diario such as Jessica Calcagno.

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In Economics he will concentrate on the debt with the International Monetary Fund since they consider that they are the only space that has a different vision from that of the rest of the candidates. In addition, he will incorporate the gender agenda and question that none of his adversaries have raised feminism as one of their flags.

The great difficulty for Bregman is not to be blurred. The debate regulations will not allow cross-examination and face-to-face, moments where the candidate usually shines. “The issue is to ensure that the day does not become an early ballot or that all attention is reduced to three candidates,” added his collaborators.

Juan Schiaretti

Juan Schiaretti with an angry gesture

Schiaretti He is the candidate for the We Do for Our Country party. The governor of Córdoba wants to present himself as a man with management capacity and results. His province, he will insist, is the model to follow.

During his campaign, Schiaretti He attempted to present himself as an alternative to non-Kirchnerist Peronism and is expected to appeal to the historic metaphor of the “middle avenue” during the debate.

Schiaretti He is working on the responsibility he has as governor and as a candidate. He is prepared to face the challenges that Argentina faces at a very complex time. That is what he will raise in the debate as he has been doing in each of his public interventions and with the various sectors that make up the life of the country,” described his campaign collaborators.


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