Presidential: columnist Charles Consigny joins Valérie Pécresse’s campaign

Candidates are recruiting… at Laurent Ruquier! After Aymeric Caron joining Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it is up to the former columnist of “We are not lying”, Charles Consigny, to rally another presidential candidate. “I join the campaign of Valérie Pécresse”, he announces in an interview with Le Figaro. “Valérie Pécresse is a candidate I like,” he adds. I believe in his one-third Thatcher, two-thirds Merkel. »

In this interview with Figaro, Charles Consigny justifies his rallying to the LR candidate: “Valérie Pécresse gives the signs that she will really act, do things. She’s not here for a communication number. “We have to get out of macronism. Emmanuel Macron was elected on a hope of modernity, of renewal of the political class, of youth, and following three weeks we found ourselves with the Old Regime. »

“I wanted to do this campaign as an actor”

“It’s not a trivial decision, since I was a commentator. I wanted to do this campaign as an actor,” explained the columnist on BFM TV. “We must reform France, increase wages, the hospital is in tatters and something must be done, some neighborhoods are on the verge of secession…” he justified on the news channel. Asked regarding the nature of his commitment to Valérie Pécresse, Charles Consigny evokes the “role of mobilizing civil society”. “The mission she entrusts to me is a mission to mobilize civil society,” he said.

Born in Paris, Charles Consigny, 32, a lawyer by profession, regularly speaks in the media. In 2018, he became a columnist on the show “On n’est pas laid”, to replace Yann Moix. He is a recurring guest at the “Grandes Gueules” studio on RMC. Two days ago, he debated the events at the dawn of the first round and criticized Emmanuel Macron and his “melon”.

“We are not lying” turns out to be a breeding ground for politics. Éric Zemmour, now a candidate, was one of the show’s first columnists. The former journalist Audrey Pulvar, PS candidate for the last regional in Île-de-France, also passed through this chair, as did Aymeric Caron, rallied to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.



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