Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is accused of sexual assault

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the US attorney general who was assassinated in 1968, and a candidate for the US presidency, against the open opposition of the Kennedy family, was accused on Monday of sexual abuse and addiction in an article published by Vanity Fair (VF).

VF noted that Eliza Cooney, a nanny hired by RFK Jr.’s family in 1998 when she was 23, accused the son of Robert F. Kennedy, the US attorney general who was assassinated in June 1968, of groping and sexual harassment.

Cooney, now 48, told the magazine that shortly after being hired by husband-and-wife team RFK Jr. and Mary Richardson, Kennedy touched her leg under a table. On another occasion, half naked, he asked her to rub cream on his back.

And a few months later, he began groping her in the kitchen of the house until the arrival of another employee forced RFK Jr. to stop his alleged sexual assault.

In 2010, Kennedy began a romantic relationship with actress Cheryl Hines and separated from Richardson, his second wife, who committed suicide two years later.

VF noted that a friend of Richardson’s recounted how she confessed to him that RFK Jr. was a “sex addict” who took medication to control his sexuality. The magazine also added that in those years, the lawyer and politician was known to send his friends photographs of naked women with whom he had relationships.

The article also linked the politician, known for his denialism regarding vaccines and Covid-19 as well as for promoting conspiracy theories, to the fatal measles outbreak that killed 83 people, most of them children, in American Samoa in 2019.

Initially, the Samoan government opposed mass vaccination of the population at the same time that an organization of RFK Jr. mounted an anti-vaccine campaign. The politician later denied any connection to the anti-vaccine campaign despite evidence to the contrary.

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On the social network X (formerly Twitter), RFK Jr. responded to the article, but not to deny the accusations of sexual abuse or the anti-vaccine campaign in Samoa, but rather to address another of the magazine’s accusations.

VF published a photo of Kennedy in 2010 holding the roasted remains of an animal. The magazine suggested the image was of a dog.

But in X, RFK Jr. attacked VF’s sensationalism by claiming that the image had been taken in Patagonia and belonged to a goat.

RFK Jr. took the opportunity to attack the Democratic Party, in which both his father and his uncle, the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, were members.

The politician linked the VF article to the Democrats’ attempt to “distract” the country from “President (Joe) Biden’s cognitive deficit.”

With information from EFE

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2024-07-03 14:32:04

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