Presidential and purchasing power: the 22 proposals of the UFC Que-Choisir to save 15 billion euros

The association thinks that the next President of the Republic might save 524 euros for each household, on average, by applying these 22 measures in favor of purchasing power.

Purchasing power is the theme that comes up most often in the concerns of the French. On the strength of this observation, and in the midst of the electoral campaign, the association for the defense of consumers UFC-What to choose decided to propose to the candidates 22 measures to help the citizens. Announced objective: release 15 billion euros in purchasing power.

What are the measures proposed by the UFC Que-Choisir?

As a preamble, the UFC-Que Choisir regrets that the candidates are only concerned with increasing salaries, rather than acting simultaneously on the level of prices. By carrying out its action on both axes, the association thinks that the next President of the Republic might save 524 euros for each household, on average.


  • Energy renovation. Strictly correlate aid for energy renovation with the energy performance achieved following the works
  • Energy renovation. Create an obligation of results enforceable once morest energy renovation professionals
  • Food. Adopt the Planet-Score as an environmental label for food products
  • Food. Make the Nutri-Score mandatory
  • Food. Prohibit advertisements aimed at children for foods with a nutritional value classified D or E by the Nutri-Score, both on television and on the Internet
  • Agriculture. Ban glyphosate and all pesticides suspected of being carcinogenic, reprotoxic, neurotoxic mutagens or endocrine disruptors
  • Agriculture. Transfer to agricultural sectors the specific costs of treating pollution of agricultural origin in strict application of the polluter-pays principle
  • Consumption. Extend the duration of the legal guarantee of conformity to fight once morest the obsolescence of consumer goods


  • medical deserts. Establish a territorial agreement for doctors

  • Pricing. Cap fee overruns by closing access to sector 2 for private doctors

  • Pricing. Apply the rules of OPTAM (The Controlled Tariff Practice Option, a contract signed between Health Insurance and the doctors contracted in sector 2) to all doctors who invoice excess fees

  • Old age. Set up a “dependency shield” to ensure “people suffering from longer-term dependencies a significant increase in public assistance, once they reach a certain threshold of personal expenses, so that the remainder to be paid is then capped at the current income of dependent person.”

  • Medications. Establish public drug production


  • Energy. Reform the regulated sales tariff so that it is oriented towards EDF’s costs
  • Energy. Enable all consumers to benefit from the competitiveness of the nuclear fleet
  • Bank charges. Remove intervention commissions
  • Bank charges. Automatically refund duplicate chargeback fees
  • Bank procedures. Establish a right to portability of the bank account number
  • Everyday life. Generalize the ban on unsolicited cold calling
  • Everyday life. Creating an enforceable right to quality internet
  • Malls. Remove the minimum threshold for resale at a loss in supermarkets
  • Taxes. Abolish VAT on taxes



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