Presidential 2022: the dating app Tinder wants to encourage young people to… vote

Funny “campaign in the campaign” for the famous application with a small flame, Tinder, on which the presidential election has been invited in recent days. While young people with Macron (JAM), the youth branch of macronie, have already invested in the app for Valentine’s Day, the American company will dedicate all of its space from this Thursday and until April 10, date of the first round, to a partnership with the association Voted, created last summer in the wake of the regional elections.

What will the operation actually consist of? By trying to find a “match” on Tinder, the thousands of French users (50% of whom are between 18 and 25 years old) will always be able to “swipe” (a sweeping movement that aims to choose a profile or, on the contrary, to exclude it ). But between two profiles, they will suddenly see an unusual message appear on the screen of their smartphone on a pink background: “If you date downstairs…” “then vote downstairs!” »

This campaign must last until March 4, the deadline for registration on the electoral lists to claim to deposit its ballot in the next elections. It represents a deliberate desire for the company to address young people of generation Z, many of whom would still be registered at their parents’ home or elsewhere than their current place of residence.

7.6 million people incorrectly registered on the electoral lists

From March 4, another slogan, this time aimed at young people tempted to abstain, will appear: “Your voice counts…” “Don’t ghost your convictions (the term “ghoster” comes from the English verb “to ghost”, cut all ties with a person, common practice on dating applications) ! »

“For many Tinder members, 2022 will be the first vote in a presidential election. Historically, young people are the least likely to vote. We believe that this campaign can initiate changes, ”wants to believe Benjamin Puygrenier, the spokesperson for Tinder in France.

“In France, there are 7.6 million people incorrectly registered on the lists and one in two young people between the ages of 25 and 29 is concerned. We also know that a badly registered person is three times more likely to abstain, also enlightens Dorian Dreuil, co-founder of the association Voted. Bad registration is a brake on the vote that we want to lift and the idea of ​​this campaign is precisely to reach young people who are looking for proximity. »

Politics is “a big topic of discussion among young people”

Why, on the side of the application to the small flame, known to give rise to ardent but fleeting sexual passions, this sudden interest in citizenship? The idea would be to try to stick as closely as possible to the interests of its users. “We realized by consulting the data of our members that there was a growing interest in politics. This is a big topic of discussion among young people. As proof, the word politics has increased by 59% in the last twelve months in the biographies of our members”, deciphers Benjamin Puygrenier.

In short, according to studies and polls, young people would be more and more interested and committed… but, at the same time, would go less and less to the polls. A paradox which the application therefore intends to tackle. Will she succeed in rekindling the electoral flame of the under 25s?

Note that Tinder has already supported several other major electoral events around the world, such as the elections in Brazil in 2018, those in the United States in 2020 or more recently the elections in Germany in 2021. And across the Rhine, participation had was particularly strong. All hopes would therefore be allowed…



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