President Yoon Vows Robust Backing for Dedicated Uniformed Public Servants

President Yoon Vows Robust Backing for Dedicated Uniformed Public Servants


President Yoon Seok-yeol visited the Gwanak Police Station and Gangseo Fire Station in Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th to encourage police officers and firefighters who are devoting themselves to the safety of the people without resting during the Chuseok holiday, the Office of the President announced.

President Yoon visited Gwanak Police Station and encouraged the police officers who are carrying out special security activities during the Chuseok holiday. Gwanak Police Station has the highest percentage of single-person households of young people and women in the country, and the number of 112 calls reached 140,000 last year, indicating that there is a high demand for public security.

President Yoon received a report on the status of the Gwanak Police Station from Chief Choi In-gyu of the Gwanak Police Station and held a meeting with 25 staff members from the Gwanak Police Station and district offices. President Yoon said, “Crimes targeting the socially vulnerable, such as jeonse fraud and voice phishing, must be thoroughly defended by all those in charge of law enforcement,” and added, “Voice phishing and other crimes are becoming organized, so I hope that frontline investigative agencies will also be alert and respond well to organized crime.”

He continued, “Since taking office, I have always emphasized that public servants in uniform, such as the military, police, and firefighters, are people who devote their all to the country and are the foundation of the country,” and promised, “I will not only demand unconditional loyalty from heroes in uniform, but also support you through fair compensation, and I will do my best to support the scientific development of investigative capabilities.”

When President Yoon said, “I am trying my best to support public officials in uniform. I will support them as much as they work hard, so if there is anything you regret, please actively suggest it,” the attendees responded with loud applause.

Yoon “Introducing a medical accident liability insurance system similar to police legal insurance”

At the meeting, President Yoon asked Police Superintendent Shim Woo-ho (Nanwoo Police Station Patrol Team), a drone expert, how drones are used in police investigations. Police Superintendent Shim stated that drones are mainly used to search for missing persons in Mt. Gwanak, and explained that as the technology advances, they can be used for crime prevention, tracking down suspects, etc.

When Superintendent Kim Yong-guk (Chief of Criminal Division 2), a former lawyer who contributed to the introduction of the police legal insurance system, said that the police legal insurance system is intended to help police officers when they are subject to civil or criminal lawsuits while actively performing administrative duties, President Yoon responded, “We are planning to introduce a medical accident liability insurance system for medical personnel, and I hope that the police legal insurance system, which is similar to that, will also serve as an opportunity to actively perform administrative duties.”

Yang Jong-min, Superintendent (Director of Women and Youth Affairs Division) reported that in the case of the Gwanak area, the number of actual stalking reports decreased by 20% by strictly enforcing the law against perpetrators to prevent repeat offenses. In response, President Yoon said, “In addition to prevention, strict punishment should also be implemented to prevent repeat offenses. The investigative agencies should actively prepare and share appropriate sentencing data so that similar crimes can be reduced.” After the meeting, President Yoon shook hands with each police officer and encouraged them, saying, “You’ve worked hard.”

Afterwards, President Yoon moved to the 112 Security Comprehensive Situation Room in the police station and received an explanation about the 112 report processing system from Shin Dong-wook, head of the crime response division at Gwanak Police Station.

President Yoon asked how many CCTVs there were in the district and whether CCTVs owned by local governments could be viewed here, and Chief Shin explained that through improvements to the 112 system, when a report comes in, CCTVs around the reporter can be viewed, and that there are a total of 5,400 CCTVs in the district, including local government CCTVs. Chief Shin added that they are responding to fires, group crimes, etc. in real time by watching them in the situation room through patrol car cameras.

President Yoon conveyed his encouragement and gratitude to the Gwanak Police Station officers through the police radio. President Yoon encouraged them by saying, “You are the true heroes of the Republic of Korea who always stand by the people and create a safe society,” and shouted, “I will always support you, Gwanak Police Station. Fighting!”

Afterwards, President Yoon went to the Gangseo Fire Station and received reports on the Chuseok holiday fire, rescue, and emergency situations at the 119 Integrated Situation Room, and encouraged the firefighters on special alert.

Mrs. Kim Gun-hee visits a facility for disabled children

In addition, Ms. Kim Gun-hee visited the Daum Disabled Children Support Center, a facility for disabled children where 32 children with developmental disabilities live together, during the Chuseok holiday in the afternoon. After drawing pictures with the children, Ms. Kim helped distribute snacks, and cleaned the play facilities and exercise equipment that were usually difficult to clean due to a lack of manpower.

After the volunteer work ended, Center Director Kim Jan-di said, “The number of volunteers has decreased significantly since COVID-19,” and added, “I hope that it becomes widely known that children need a helping hand, such as playing with them like today.”

Mrs. Kim said, “I am deeply grateful to the center director and all the staff for seeing the children’s bright faces despite their difficult circumstances,” adding, “I hope that today’s visit will be an opportunity for many volunteers to continue to help the facility.”

Reporter Seo So-jeong

What key initiatives did President Yoon‍ propose to support ⁢police and firefighters during his visit?⁢

President Yoon Visits Police Station and Fire Station to Encourage Frontline Heroes

On the afternoon of September 15th, President Yoon Seok-yeol ⁢paid a visit to the Gwanak Police Station‌ and Gangseo Fire Station in Seoul to express his gratitude and encouragement to police ‌officers and firefighters who ⁣are​ dedicating themselves to ensuring public safety during the Chuseok holiday.

Gwanak Police Station: A Hub for Public Security

President⁢ Yoon’s first stop was the Gwanak Police Station, which has the highest percentage of single-person ​households of ​young people and women in the ⁢country. The station received a staggering 140,000 calls⁢ last year, ⁤highlighting the high ⁢demand for public security in the area. The President⁤ received a report on the station’s status from Chief Choi⁣ In-gyu and held a meeting⁣ with ⁢25 staff members ⁣from the Gwanak ‌Police Station ⁢and district offices.

Cracking Down on Crimes Against the Vulnerable

During the meeting, President⁣ Yoon emphasized the ‍need ⁢to thoroughly defend against crimes ⁢targeting the socially vulnerable, such as⁣ jeonse fraud and voice phishing. He urged the frontline investigative agencies to be alert and respond well to organized ‍crime, which is becoming increasingly prevalent.⁣ The President also pledged to support the scientific development of investigative capabilities, promising to provide‍ fair compensation to public servants in uniform.

Supporting Heroes in Uniform

President Yoon has consistently emphasized the importance of public servants in uniform, including the military, police, and firefighters, who devote their lives to the ‍country and are the ⁢foundation of the nation.⁣ He promised to not ⁤only ‌demand unconditional loyalty from heroes⁤ in uniform ‍but also to support them through fair compensation and scientific development of their capabilities.

Introducing​ Medical Accident⁢ Liability Insurance

During the meeting, President Yoon ​announced plans to introduce a medical accident liability insurance system similar to police legal insurance. This move aims to provide additional support to public servants who risk their lives in the line of duty.

Drones in Police Investigations

The President also showed interest in the⁤ use of drones in police investigations, asking Police Superintendent Shim Woo-ho about their ‌application in searching for missing persons in Mt. Gwanak. Superintendent Shim explained that drones are mainly used for search and rescue operations, but as technology advances, they⁢ can be used ⁣for crime ‌prevention, tracking down suspects, and more.

Boosting Morale and Support

President Yoon’s visit to the Gwanak‌ Police Station and Gangseo‌ Fire Station ⁤was a‍ timely morale boost ‌for​ the frontline heroes who ⁣are‍ working tirelessly to ensure public safety during the Chuseok holiday. The President’s promises‍ of support and fair compensation are expected to motivate them to continue their selfless service to the nation.

Keyword optimizations:

President Yoon Seok-yeol

Gwanak Police Station

⁤ Gangseo⁣ Fire Station

Chuseok holiday

Public security

Crimes against the vulnerable

Voice phishing

Jeonse fraud

Medical accident liability insurance

Drones in police ⁣investigations

Public servants in ‌uniform

Fair compensation

* Scientific development of investigative capabilities

Meta ​description: President Yoon Visits Police Station and Fire Station to⁤ Encourage Frontline Heroes during the ‍Chuseok⁣ holiday, promising support and‌ fair compensation for public servants in uniform.

Header tags:

H1:​ President Yoon Visits Police Station and Fire Station to Encourage Frontline ‍Heroes

H2: Gwanak ⁤Police⁤ Station: A⁣ Hub for Public Security

H3: Cracking Down on Crimes Against ‍the Vulnerable

H3:⁣ Supporting Heroes in Uniform

H3: Introducing Medical Accident⁣ Liability Insurance

H3: Drones in Police Investigations

H3: Boosting Morale and Support

Brief meeting with the police officers to discuss their challenges and achievements in maintaining public safety during one of the busiest periods of the year.

President Yoon Visits Gwanak Police Station and Gangseo Fire Station to Boost Morale During Chuseok Holiday

In a gesture of appreciation and encouragement, President Yoon Seok-yeol visited the Gwanak Police Station and Gangseo Fire Station in Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th to express gratitude to the police officers and firefighters who are dedicating themselves to ensuring public safety during the Chuseok holiday.

Gwanak Police Station: Hub for Public Security

President Yoon’s visit to Gwanak Police Station was significant, given that the station has the highest percentage of single-person households of young people and women in the country, with a staggering 140,000 112 calls received last year. The police station is a crucial hub for public security, and the president’s visit was aimed at boosting the morale of the officers who are working tirelessly to keep the community safe.

Meeting with Police Officers

During the visit, President Yoon received a report on the status of the Gwanak Police Station from Chief Choi In-gyu and held a



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