President Yoon, “comrades who have been together in the election campaign” in the controversy over hiring a sixth cousin

President Yoon Seok-yeol answers questions from reporters on pending issues as he arrives at the presidential office in Yongsan on the 8th. Kyunghyang Shinmun reporter Kang Yoon-joong

President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “I’ve been a comrade who has been officially campaigning with the Ima Building and the camp since my first days in politics.”

On the morning of that day, President Yoon went to work at the Yongsan Presidential Office and responded as follows when reporters asked about the controversy between Shin Mo and Choi, who accompanied them to Madrid, Spain.

Regarding Mr. Shin, he said, “The spokesperson has already talked about the NATO implementation issue.” Earlier, the president’s office revealed that Shin, a civilian, who is the spouse of Lee Won-mo, the presidential secretary’s personnel secretary, participated in a tour of the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, and that she legally participated as a ‘other attendant’.

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