President of the Palanga Hotel and Restaurant Association: “We understand that if we raise prices further, we will not be attractive” | Business

Laura Taučiūtė, who has been running the Palanga Hotel and Restaurant Association for a year, took over the management of her parents’ business, Palanga Hotel “Kerpė”, a few years ago. Until then, L.Taučiūtė, who worked in the catering sector in Vilnius and Dubai, claims that she is trying to apply the accumulated experience in Palanga, and one of the goals is to achieve that the season in Palanga lasts the whole year, not just three summer months.

L. Taučiūtė interview 15min told why in the future tourists should choose Lithuania instead of Spain or Italy in the summer, commented on the prices of Palanga and responded to residents’ complaints that vacations in Turkey are becoming cheaper.

– How is this summer season for hotels and restaurants in Palanga sector?

– It is always very difficult to talk regarding the season when it is just starting, because it is best to compare the season with the previous or previous year in September.

I might only talk regarding June or May. This year it is encouraging that we had much better weather in June, as the compatriots choose at the last minute and pay special attention to the weather.

The majority – regarding 80 percent. – guests are from our country, 20 percent. there are foreigners and the recent reading due to the geopolitical situation is not really rising as we would like.

#President #Palanga #Hotel #Restaurant #Association #understand #raise #prices #attractive #Business
2024-07-14 17:36:42



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