President of Fedecámaras: “We must remove the demonization of dialogue”

The president of Fedecámaras, Adán Celis, welcomed the restart of talks between the governments of Venezuela and the United States. He indicated that everything that has to do with Venezuela reinserting itself into the international community and continuing with investments from China, Russia, Iran, and also from the West, and for it to be a country with open doors to investment from the world. , is positive.

The statement was made from San Cristóbal, capital of Táchira, from where the official presentation of the 80th Annual National Assembly of Fedecámaras was made, to be held on October 17 and 18, in the city of cordiality.

“That the national authorities sit down once more with the North American government is essential to achieve dialogue. Things are not solved in different places, the only way is to sit down and talk. We must remove demonization from dialogue, problems are resolved by talking, not with each of the parties from a corner. We must respect and recognize each other between the parties,” Celis reiterated.

The geographical location of the Andean entity is of utmost importance for the country due to its exchange with Colombia. “We came to highlight and give that boost that the event requires. A meeting of all the businessmen of the country and our neighbors. Táchira dresses in colors, it dresses in business, it dresses in hope, in opportunities for everyone.”

The country’s businessmen are committed to working together with municipal, regional and national authorities. With the unions, the academies, with everyone, “with a Venezuela that must come out to the reunion, and Fedecámaras from here is going to launch that message of national reunion, where each Venezuelan is going to have a role to play, and will be an important piece in the recovery and progress of the nation.”

Economic growth

On the economic issue, Celis indicated that it is differential. Continuing to move forward in the reform processes of the economic-legal framework in which the country operates is essential. “Venezuela has changed, the rentier country that depended on a stream of oil where all the rest of us were like annexes and depended on a group of Venezuelans that produced oil wealth no longer exists. Now comes a productive Venezuela, which requires an agile legal framework, where anyone who wants to start a business has the conditions, financing, and can do it quickly.”

Improving salary conditions is one of the points that he highlighted, “we are working with national authorities to find models for the remuneration of Venezuelans, where the income of Venezuelans increases today and companies do not have the weight of assets.”

Another element that he highlighted is the need to generate trust so that investment comes to the country and these translate into productivity companies.

Regarding the sanctions, he indicated that they are an important weight on the economy, “we have to seek to remove the economic and financial sanctions that are generating a weight on the economy. Altogether, the change in the economic model plus the relaxation of sanctions will produce and generate confidence abroad.”

Thanks to the business sector

For his part, the governor of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, thanked the business sector and Fedecámaras for taking the state into account for this annual meeting. “We are the hinge between two countries, between a universe of 80 million human beings and that makes Táchira of capital importance in the development, growth, exchange of merchandise and products between Colombia and Venezuela.”

He highlighted Peace as a fundamental element for growth, job creation and prosperity, generating the conditions to invest, grow and generate trust, “it is important to regain trust between Venezuelans, between the Government and private companies, and that trust here In the state we have demonstrated it, we have become a single team between the business community and the Government and this has begun to bear fruit for the citizens.”

Colombian-Venezuelan chamber

In the border area, the representative of the Colombian-Venezuelan Chamber of North Santander, Víctor Méndez, celebrated this initiative, “where Bogotá and Caracas come to the regions, and these important events are held, they generate a lot of optimism.”

A new process of relations has been generated for three years, which has started practically from scratch, “we believe that these events energize the border, they are measured in figures, new strategies are made and we continue to advance more and more, generating trust, with a trade that is growing and opportunities from both sides.”

Currently, there is a projection of 20 thousand cargo vehicles, products that have been exported, all of this energizes the border area, the gastronomic sector, hotels, service stations.

“For this year, it is estimated that we will exceed one billion dollars in exchange,” said Méndez.

For his part, Luís Alberto Russian, president of the Venezuelan-Colombian Chamber of Economic Integration, Cavecol, highlighted the importance that national Fedecámaras gives to Táchira and the city of San Cristóbal in the Venezuelan business world.

“It is very important because we are in a process of rebuilding the binational relationship. Where this area represents the center of relations between the two countries, Táchira and Norte de Santander. The issue of integration for development is fundamental and is on the agenda,” she pointed out.

#President #Fedecámaras #remove #demonization #dialogue
2024-07-06 04:50:14



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