President Maduro received opposition dissidents in Miraflores

***The meeting in which the National Front for Peace was formed was attended by a former Vente Venezuela militant in Carabobo, Daniel Coronel, and several mayors who in recent days expressed their support for the candidate of the Gran Polo Patriótico***

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, received this Tuesday, together with the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez; and the First Lady, Cilia Flores, opposition dissidents who declared themselves independent and expressed their support for reelection.

The meeting will take place at the Miraflores Palace, where the National Front for Peace will be formed.

Who participated?

  • Mayor of the Obispos municipality, Barinas state, Adrian Azuaje.
  • Mayor of the municipality of Samuel Dario Maldonado (La Tendida), Táchira state, Eduardo Negrette.
  • Mayor of the municipality of Piritu, Anzoategui state, Jesus Mendez.
  • Mayor of the Tinaco municipality, Cojedes state, Juan Carlos Zamora.
  • She is the Mayor of the municipality of Juan German Roscio (San Juan de los Morros), Guárico state, Sulme Ávila.
  • Mayor of the municipality of El Socorro, Guárico state, Luis Pinto.
  • Opposition leader, Carlos Prosperi.
  • Head of the Carabobo Youth Campaign in the 2017 Regional Elections, former Coordinator of the Carabobo MUD Youth and activist of Voluntad Popular and Vente Venezuela, Daniel Coronel.

Azuaje indicated that in the western plains they only want to work for Venezuela.

The mayor of El Socorro, Luis Pinto, had the most extensive participation, asking the head of state for support for the agricultural producers of his state “who have not planted for years.”

For his part, the President of the Republic insisted on reviving the concept of the “conuco”, which in his opinion is an organic and ecological concept.

“The smallholders take care of the land so that it does not dry out, they take care of their properties, maintained by the humble people. I want to take it to the concept of community smallholders and from there develop all Venezuelan agriculture. I want to support that sector,” said the head of state.

Regarding the chicken breeding project that is taking place in the state of Guariqueña and for which the mayor requested resources to get it up and running, the president said: “The conditions of the chicken farms are very sad, this production should be incorporated into the country’s food plans.”

On the other hand, the former member of Voluntad Popular and Vente Venezuela in Carabobo, Daniel Coronel, assured that the country’s enterprising youth will travel around the country to support Nicolás Maduro.

While Jesús Méndez, mayor of Píritu, expressed his confidence in the vote, while asserting that he believes in peace and reconciliation.

“I was elected by vote and I believe in peace, in reconciliation, I believe in politics where common ground is sought and where the needs of the people are considered,” he said.

The mayor of San Juan de los Morros, Sulme Ávila, also highlighted the need to work in peace.

“Enough of hatred, enough of evil,” he said.

#President #Maduro #received #opposition #dissidents #Miraflores
2024-07-16 22:37:41



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