President Maduro and eight former candidates went to the TSJ

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, along with another of the eight former candidates who participated in the electoral process on July 28, went this Friday to the Supreme justice court (TSJ) to sign the document in which they assume the commitment to collaborate and abide by the decisions of the country’s highest court.

Present alongside the heads of state were Antonio Ecarri, from the Pencil Alliance; José Brito from Primero Venezuela; Luis Eduardo Martínez from Democratic Action and Copei; Benjamin Rausseo for Conde; Javier Bertucci for El Cambio; Daniel Ceballos for Arepa; Claudio Fermín from Solutions for Venezuela and Enrique Márquez from Centrados.

The minutes were read by Judge Caryslia Beatríz Rodríguez, president of the Electoral Chamber and the TSJ, who presided over the hearing in the company of her colleagues Fanny Márquez and Inocencio Figueroa.

“All candidates, political parties, CNE and other subjects involved in the aforementioned electoral event must submit all legal documents of legal relevance that are required,” the text reads.

During the activity, the attending candidates, except the former candidate Enrique Márquez, signed an agreement in which they undertake to provide all collaboration and present the requirements that are required for the investigation and review of the results of the past elections, as requested in the Contentious Electoral Appeal filed by the recently re-elected Head of State.

Meanwhile, the head of the extreme right, Edmundo González, ignored the summons from the country’s highest court.

In addition, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, also appeared before the summons issued by the electoral chamber of the TSJ.

Likewise, during the reading of the aforementioned document, the president of the TSJ and of this instance, Caryslia Rodríguez, urged all citizens, political parties and other participants in the electoral process to abide by the decision that arises from the aforementioned investigation.

“This (the electoral chamber of the CNE) is the only and highest instance of the contentious electoral jurisdiction which converts its decisions into mandates of mandatory compliance,” he highlighted.

#President #Maduro #candidates #TSJ
2024-08-04 01:52:04



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