Presidency of the Senate: “the UDPS has not taken anyone’s place, we have this duty to seek this position” (Augustin Kabuya)

For the election of the final bureau of the Senate, the sacred union of the nation (USN), the political platform of Félix Tshisekedi holding the parliamentary majority within this legislative chamber, launched itself in a scattered order by aligning three candidates for the post of president of the upper house of parliament. These are senators Sama Lukonde (AB), Jonas Mukamba (FPAU) and Idrissa Mangala (UDPS/Tshisekedi).

If the Agissons et Bâtissons (AB) dynamic which supported Sama Lukonde’s candidacy believes that this position is a promise made by the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi to Sama Lukonde on behalf of the Grand Katanga region, the presidential party believes that the UDPS/Tshisekedi has only played its role as the leading political force by aligning its candidate for the presidency of the Senate.

“The UDPS has nothing to do with the Sacred Union as I have heard some professionals in politics in our country seek at all costs to interfere in the affairs of the UDPS. We will have exchanges within the Sacred Union, what we have just done is a right and not a privilege, the principle within the Sacred Union is to take into account the political weight of everyone but when you look at the order of arrival, the UDPS is the first political force at the Senate level automatically it is our right and people must understand that the UDPS has not taken anyone’s place, it is our right, we have this duty to seek this position”, specified Tuesday August 6 August Augustin Kabuya, secretary general of the UDPS/Tshisekedi after the submission of Idrissa Mangala’s candidacy.

He emphasizes that the choice of Idrissa Mangala is the result of a consensus within his political family but also sends a message that the UDPS does not favor its nationals from other linguistic corners of the country.
“I think that we worked for a while within the party and chose Senator Idrissa Mangala who is not a newcomer within the UDPS, he has a history, it is in relation to the profile, he was not alone, there were other members of the party who had expressed ambition but after examining the files of each other, the choice was made on Idrissa Mangala and it is also a message that the UDPS is sending to the public because some tongues have always said that the UDPS is a political party with a tribal character and today we have chosen the person of Idrissa Mangala who is from Maniema, who is not from the same province as the Head of State or even less from Kasai. Do not forget that among the number of senators who are members of the UDPS, there is Senator Roger Tshisekedi, the direct older brother of the Head of State who could have been designated but after discussions between the senators of the party, the choice fell on Idrissa Mangala,” said Augustin Kabuya.
The application submission stage closed on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. After the submission stage, the revised timetable provides for the examination of applications by the ad hoc committee from this Wednesday, August 7, 2024 and the posting of the provisional list of candidates selected by the age bureau of the upper house of parliament.
According to the same schedule, Thursday, August 8, 2024 will be devoted to the filing and examination of appeals by the ad hoc committee as well as the posting of the final list. Friday, August 9 will be dedicated to the plenary session to hear the election campaign messages. Finally, on Saturday, August 10, 2024, the plenary session for the election and installation of the final bureau of the Senate will be held.


2024-08-07 06:23:09
#Presidency #Senate #UDPS #anyones #place #duty #seek #position #Augustin #Kabuya



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