presentation of the continuation of the event – ><

Today at the Anosy National Library, the event “The life of Gabhy”, an event included in “One month for Gabhy”. It will be a presentation and information about what he went through in his life. The Ministry of Communication and Culture, together with the Association of Malagasy Language and Text Artists or FMTS, organizes the event. The entire month of March that the ministry dedicated to remember Ghaby or Rabesina Gabriel.
“These are our songs… they are life-giving breaths”. “Dead left sweet”. This is what makes this star of Malagasy art famous. Rabesina Gabriel or Gabhy, who is a complete artist because he is both a singer and a composer. In addition, he also wrote poetry. “It would be good for today’s youth to know the history of Malagasy art stars like this so that they can be role models for them and know the achievements of that Malagasy art star”, said Rakotondrazafy Andriantongarivo Lalatina, Minister of Communications and Culture, after the exhibition of his life, especially as an artist. The presentation of his biography will be held today. Life stages and life experiences will be found there. One of them was in the family and in the arts. In addition to these, there will also be stage shows and many different activities.

Lin (Apprentice)

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