Prescription Drug Side Effects Could Get You a DUI in Arizona

PHOENIX, Arizona. – Each year, thousands of Arizonans are arrested and taken to prison for driving under the influence, but not all cases are related to alcohol use. In fact, some are unaware of the legal consequences of getting behind the wheel after taking prescription drugs. The adverse effects of a treatment could also culminate in a DUI case, among other stiff fines.

The toxic and undesirable effects of ingesting prescription drugs could diminish the abilities of any person and deprive them of acting in their five senses. As indicated by the Federal Law on Controlled Substances, a regulation whose purpose is to eradicate addiction to drugs.

Due to the degree of dependency that a person could suffer, driving a motor vehicle in Arizona under the side effects of prescription drugs is also illegal, explains attorney Jaime Garcia.

“The limit in Arizona is 0.8 alcohol in your system. But what the law says when it comes to a drug or medicine DUI: If you don’t have a prescription, just having traces of the drug in your system are grounds for a DUI. Now, if you have the valid prescription, you can drive with the traces in your system, but you can’t drive if you’re under the influence… even though it’s [medicina] has been prescribed”.

Annually, at least 27,000 Arizonans are pulled over driving under the influence of an intoxicant, the Maricopa County Prosecutor’s Office reported. Attorney Garcia reiterates: the maximum penalty under the law for a DUI misdemeanor includes 6 months in jail, $2,500 in fines plus surcharges, and 5 years under supervision.

“I really didn’t know, but yes, I had an experience with my father. He took a medication with a Monster and he kind of had a bad reaction and caused an accident. It was ugly,” said Marvin Lemus, a resident of south Phoenix. For his part, Juan Alvarado, who uses a substance that deliminates the pupils of his eyes, was unaware of the consequences he could face, “Then you can’t drive. Fortunately, my wife takes me and picks me up.”

Recommendations to avoid falling into a DUI for a prescribed medication

If you begin to feel psychological or cognitive disruptions, it is extremely important to pull over, drop the keys, and get out of the vehicle to call for help. Conditions could include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • dizziness and sleep
  • Tingling and numbness in some parts of the body
  • blurred vision or fainting

Doctor Fernando Noboa practiced medicine for more than 30 years, he mentioned the most common prescription drugs among the Hispanic community.
“Ritalin. It is the most common one taken in this group of drugs. Anti-anxiety drugs, Xanax and Valium. Hispanics like to self-medicate, we go to Mexico and we bring two. And we drove after that apart from everything.”

He said that pharmacists are in pharmacies and “when a medicine has an adverse problem with intake, they have to warn it”

Noboa recommends waiting 24 hours after taking a prescribed treatment before driving your car. Do not forget to consult with your doctor if he has doubts or ask regarding the subsequent ailments.

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