prescribed for epilepsy and bipolar disorder, Lamictal and its generics can lead to death

2023-07-06 05:41:02

The ANSM (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) warns of the possible dangers of Lamictal and its generics.

The ANSM warns regarding the known rare adverse effects of this drug (Lamictal and its generics), severe rashes that can lead to death. These attacks usually occur within the first two months of treatment. These are Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell (or toxic epidermal necrolysis) and Dress (drug hypersensitivity syndrome with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), specifies the organization.

Seizures that usually occur within the first two months of treatment

As for the symptoms, the ANSM lists them: rash or redness, fever, flu-like symptoms, swelling of the face, appearance of glands, irritation of the mouth or eyes, unexpected bruising or bleeding, sore throat, is he indicates. If these symptoms appear, consult your doctor or an emergency service immediately.

Skin rash or redness, fever, flu-like symptoms, facial swelling…

The package leaflet for the medicine for epilepsy and bipolar disorder states that ‘the risk of serious skin rashes is higher in children than in adults’. The National Medicines Safety Agency asks patients to keep the ‘patient card’ which is available in the boxes of the medicine to warn you of the risk of serious rash associated with Lamotrigine. Keep it on you at all times, specifies the ANSM.

Keep the ‘patient card’ with you, which is available in the medicine boxes

All child and adult patients who develop a rash on Lamotrigine should be promptly evaluated and should be discontinued. Finally, the ANSM strongly advises once morest taking lamotrigine in combination with another antiepileptic such as valproic acid or its derivatives (valpromide, divalproate).

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