Preparing for the Unexpected: The Shift from Maximum Alert


Thunderstorms and instability characterize the weather ⁤in the early days of ⁢September. According to La7 ​meteorologist Paolo Sottocorona, the day begins with thunderstorms in coastal areas that move inland as the hours progress. The sea temperature is a⁤ significant factor contributing to this strong instability. The weather maps indicate precipitation in the north-western ​regions, while in the central and southern areas, some​ rain is expected, although not as ​severe as the violent​ downpour experienced yesterday in Rome and ⁣surrounding areas.

Streets ⁤of Rome flooded with water and tourists diving into puddles

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today we anticipate isolated ‌weather​ phenomena in parts of Lombardy,‌ Piedmont, and Valle d’Aosta. However, this is only ‍the beginning, as Sottocorona warns of a significant worsening expected tomorrow, Thursday, ‌September 5,⁢ when conditions will deteriorate across the entire northern region. The forecast indicates a critical⁤ situation‌ requiring ⁢maximum alert. The disturbance will⁢ affect the northern regions, with moderate rain predicted in ⁣central areas and isolated occurrences in the southern ⁣regions, including Calabria, Sicily, ‍and parts of Puglia, particularly ⁢in the Gargano area.‍ By Friday, September 6,‌ conditions should improve, with only sporadic phenomena lingering ⁤in the north-east, parts of Lombardy, and isolated instances in the south.

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