Prepare for the Icy Invasion – Your Latest Weather Forecast

A truly different September from that of past years. Mario Giuliacci explains the weather situation of the ninth month of the year, dedicating a video on the YouTube channel to the weather forecast from the 13th to the 17th of the month MeteoGiuliacci: “Full-blown autumn, we haven’t seen a September like this for many years. In fact, until September 27th we will have a lot of rain, even heavy rain where we have been hoping for a long time that rain would arrive, temperatures below average, we will even talk about cold. Until September 18th we will have temperatures below average, around 20 degrees in northern Italy, between 20 and 25 in the central regions, just around 25 in the southern regions and the major islands, especially around the 13th and 14th we will feel the cold cold. There will be two rainy phases, one between Friday and Saturday of this week in Triveneto, Emilia Romagna and central-southern Italy, so it will not rain in the north-west region, this rainy phase will not bring heavy rain”.

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“A second more intense rainy phase – explains the expert meteorologist – between Wednesday 18 and Sunday 22 that will affect Emilia Romagna, the central south and the major islands, rains that will be abundant, therefore risk of cloudbursts on Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia finally, Calabria finally, northern Sicily, eastern Sardinia. Finally something has moved also for the south and the major islands, so good news. There will be – concludes Giuliacci – snowfall in the Alpine regions between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, on the central eastern border Alps, at altitudes up to 1000 meters”.

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2024-09-14 14:29:53

⁤What are the ‌expected weather patterns in Italy for September 2023?

Unusual September Weather: Rain, Cold, and Snow on the Horizon

September is shaping⁤ up ‍to be⁤ a truly unusual month, unlike any we’ve seen in recent years. According to expert meteorologist Mario Giuliacci, the ninth month of the year is expected to bring a mix of rain, cold temperatures, and even snow to parts of Italy.

In a recent video on his​ YouTube ⁢channel, ‍MeteoGiuliacci, ⁣Giuliacci⁤ explains the ⁢weather situation from September 13th to⁢ 17th, stating that “full-blown autumn” has⁣ arrived, with temperatures set to remain below average until September 18th. In fact, the entire month‌ of September is expected to be characterized by a significant amount of rain, with two intense rainy ‍phases affecting different regions of ⁣Italy.

Rainy ‌Phases Ahead

The first rainy phase is ‍expected to hit ⁤between Friday and Saturday of this week, ‍primarily affecting the Triveneto, Emilia ​Romagna, and central-southern regions of Italy. While this⁤ phase⁢ is not expected to bring‌ heavy rain, it will still bring much-needed precipitation to areas that have been hoping for rain.

The second, more intense rainy phase is predicted to⁢ occur between September 18th and 22nd, affecting Emilia Romagna, the central south, and the major islands of Italy. This phase is expected to bring abundant rain,‌ increasing the risk​ of cloudbursts in regions such as‌ Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria, and northern Sicily, as well as eastern Sardinia.

Cold Temperatures ⁤and Snow

But that’s not all – Giuliacci also predicts ‍that snowfall is expected⁤ to hit the Alpine regions between ⁢September 13th and 14th, at altitudes up to 1000⁣ meters. This is welcome news for ​the south and major islands, which have been waiting for some much-needed precipitation.

Regional⁣ Breakdown

So, what can⁤ different regions of Italy expect from this unusual September weather?

Northern Italy: Temperatures are expected to be around 20 degrees⁢ Celsius, with rain⁣ and cold temperatures prevailing.

Central regions: Temperatures will range⁣ from ​20 to 25 degrees Celsius, with rain and cold temperatures expected.

* Southern regions and major islands: Temperatures will be around 25⁣ degrees Celsius, with rain and even snow expected in some areas.

Stay Ahead of the Weather

As the weather situation ⁣develops, it’s⁤ essential to stay informed and plan ahead. Make sure to check the latest weather forecasts⁣ and‍ updates from reliable⁢ sources, such as MeteoGiuliacci, ‌to stay ahead of the weather.

In the meantime, enjoy the unusual September weather, and don’t forget to pack your umbrella and warm clothing!

– What unusual weather patterns can we expect in Italy this September?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of September weather forecast:

Unpredictable September: Extreme Weather Forecast for Italy

The ninth month of the year has arrived, and Italy is bracing for a unique and unpredictable September. According to renowned meteorologist Mario Giuliacci, this month will be unlike any other in recent years. In a video on his YouTube channel, Giuliacci explains the weather situation from September 13th to 17th, warning of extreme weather conditions that will affect the entire country.

Full-Blown Autumn Ahead

Giuliacci describes the weather situation as “full-blown autumn,” with temperatures dropping below average and heavy rainfall expected in many regions. Until September 27th, Italy can expect a lot of rain, especially in areas that have been hoping for precipitation for a long time. The temperatures will be colder than usual, with northern Italy experiencing temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius, central regions ranging from 20 to 25 degrees, and southern regions and major islands expecting temperatures around 25 degrees.

Two Rainy Phases Ahead

The meteorologist warns of two rainy phases, one between Friday and Saturday of this week in Triveneto, Emilia Romagna, and central-southern Italy, and another more intense phase between Wednesday 18th and Sunday 22nd. The second phase will affect Emilia Romagna, central south, and major islands, with abundant rainfall and a risk of cloudbursts in Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria, northern Sicily, and eastern Sardinia.

Good News for the South and Islands

some good news for the southern regions and major islands, which have been experiencing a prolonged period of drought. The rain will bring much-needed relief to these areas, and the weather forecast suggests that things are finally moving in the right direction.

Snowfall in the Alps

Giuliacci also predicts snowfall in the Alpine regions between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, at altitudes up to 1000 meters. This will be welcome news for skiers and snowboarders, who can look forward to hitting the slopes early this season.

Stay Prepared

As the weather forecast suggests, Italy is in for a wild ride this September. It’s essential to stay prepared and informed about the weather conditions in your area to avoid any disruptions or inconvenience. Stay tuned to weather updates, and plan your activities accordingly to make the most of this unpredictable month.

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Optimized keywords: September weather, Italy weather, Mario Giuliacci, weather forecast, autumn, rain, snowfall, Triveneto, Emilia Romagna, central-southern Italy, southern regions, major islands, Alpine regions.



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