Prepare for the Cicada-Geddon: Trillions of Rare Insects to Emerge in the Midwest and Eastern US

Insects are set to take the stage in the midwestern and eastern United States as millions of cicadas prepare to emerge following spending years underground. This phenomenon is expected to create a spectacular chorus of buzzing insects, a sight that hasn’t been seen in several hundred years. The simultaneous appearance of two cicada broods, known as Brood XIX and Brood XII, is a rare event that last occurred in 1803, during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.

Catherine Dana, an entomologist specializing in cicadas at the University of Illinois, expresses her excitement for this unique event. She emphasizes that this will be a special experience for the public, as they witness a grand ecological spectacle.

There are thousands of cicada species worldwide, but only ten are considered periodical, following a life cycle that involves living underground and feeding on plant sap for years before emerging en masse onto the surface.

This year, the largest of all periodical cicada groups, Brood XIX, will emerge following 13 years underground, coinciding with the smaller Brood XII, which appears every 17 years. Trillions of these cicadas are expected to surface in as many as 16 states, creating clusters in both urban and rural areas. The collective sound of their songs can be louder than a revving motorbike, making this event a true natural wonder.

While the two broods may only overlap in a small area of central Illinois, the emergence of all seven periodical cicada species found in the US will still be noticeable in many places. Researchers highlight that this event provides a rare glimpse into a grand ecological spectacle that showcases the immense biomass of terrestrial life.

Some Americans are planning trips to witness these hotspots of cicadas, while others may be concerned regarding the invasion. However, cicadas are harmless to humans and pets, as they possess a straw-like mouth, rather than any biting parts. It is worth noting that they may expel jets of urine when threatened, a defense mechanism observed in some species.

However, despite the excitement surrounding the cicada emergence, there are concerns regarding how global heating caused by the burning of fossil fuels may impact their natural processes. The timing of their emergence is closely linked to soil temperature, and any disruptions due to climate change might adversely affect their phenology.

As we appreciate this rare burst of nature, it is essential to reflect on the implications of these events. Humanity’s actions, particularly in relation to climate change, can disturb delicate ecological cycles. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the significance of preserving and protecting the natural world.

Looking towards the future, these cicada emergences serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and the environment. As we witness these grand events, it is imperative that we take responsibility for our actions and strive to mitigate the impact of climate change on delicate ecological cycles.

Ultimately, the emergence of cicadas presents us with an opportunity to reflect on our own role in the natural world. It is a time for introspection and a call to action to ensure a sustainable future for both humans and the many species with whom we share this planet.

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