Preparation for spring plowing solidly promotes stable grain production and more confidence- China Daily

On February 16, in Xinsong Village, Yushui District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, several large tillers were working in the field. Photo by Tan Jianrong (Photo China)

“Thirty percent of the harvest is good for the seedlings, and half the work is for the seedlings. I have increased the planting area of ​​winter wheat this season. Looking at the condition of the seedlings, I will water them once more in the spring, and there will be hope for a good harvest.” When I opened the soil layer, I saw a pile of growth and tillers Wang Liuquan, a villager in Letu Village, Hetaoyuan Town, Juye County, Shandong Province, is full of confidence in winning another bumper summer grain harvest. This year, Shandong’s wheat seedlings of the first and second categories accounted for 89.5%, an increase of 38.5 percentage points over the same period last year.

Implement the seed industry revitalization action, implement the black soil protection demonstration area of ​​56 million mu, and the construction task of high-standard farmland of 8.4 million mu. High-quality stress-resistant japonica rice with good palatability.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must firmly grasp the initiative of food security, and we must pay close attention to food production every year.” “Ensuring a stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products is always the top priority for building a strong agricultural country.”

Stabilize the area, increase the yield per unit, and improve the quality. This year, my country will ensure that the grain planting area is stable at more than 1.77 billion mu. Relevant departments in all regions have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on ensuring food security, implemented the deployment of this year’s Central Document No. 1, seized the farming season, implemented policies for spring field management and seedlings according to the location, and advanced spring sowing and sowing preparations. To lay a solid foundation for the completion of the year-round stable grain production and supply goals.

At present, my country has a good foundation for summer grain and oil production, sufficient supply of agricultural materials, and solid progress in preparation for spring plowing. According to the latest agricultural dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the acreage of winter wheat and winter rapeseed has grown steadily. The area of ​​winter wheat in the field is more than 330 million mu, which is better than the previous year; the growth of winter rapeseed is more than 110 million mu, and the overall growth is normal. At present, the overwintering wheat in Southwest China is jointing and booting, with 88.4% of the first and second category seedlings; the overwintering wheat in the Jianghuai region has fully turned green, with 85.7% of the first and second category seedlings, and the seedling condition is better than the previous year. The northern winter wheat region began to turn green in late February, winter rapeseed was in the budding stage, and early rice seedlings in South China began to be soaked and raised seedlings. Recently, two large-scale precipitations in the central and eastern regions have effectively replenished soil moisture and water storage in reservoirs and ponds, which is conducive to spring management and spring plowing.

Stabilize the area, shoulder the responsibility, grasp the field management

If the area is stable, the output will be stable, and food security will be guaranteed.

This year, our country will ensure a stable grain area and strive to increase it. To stabilize the area, it is necessary to expand soybeans and oil crops. Soybean oil crops will be expanded to more than 10 million mu to ensure that the area of ​​soybean oil crops is stable at more than 350 million mu, and strive to expand further.

Approved by the State Council, this year the provinces will continue to issue grain, soybean and oil production targets and tasks, and increase the weight of area production and planting structure assessment in the assessment of the same responsibility of the party and government for food security. This year, we will continue to increase the minimum purchase price of wheat, launch the implementation of subsidies for intensive seedling raising of early rice in the south, and continue to implement the full coverage of wheat “one spray, three defense” subsidies. Increase support for soybean planting, but also gradually expand the full cost of rice, wheat and corn and the scope of implementation of planting income insurance.

The Heilongjiang crop rotation project is mainly inclined to soybeans this year, and multiple measures have been taken to stabilize the soybean planting area. Guangdong’s spring sowing area of ​​grain crops this year is 15.44 million mu, a year-on-year increase of 177,000 mu, of which early rice is 13.03 million mu, a year-on-year increase of 60,000 mu.

Field management in spring does not miss the farming season. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized the “Struggle for 120 Days to Win the Summer Grain and Oil Harvest Action”, improved the technical guidance on wheat and rapeseed field management by region, and focused on field management measures focusing on “controlling prosperity and promoting weakness, resisting drought and freezing, preventing diseases and pests” To implement, formulate an implementation plan in advance to ensure that the measures are accurate, timely and effective.

Bill of lading production, more grain, and better grain

Store grain in the ground, store grain in technology, harvest more grain and better grain, and do everything possible to increase grain production capacity.

This year, we will implement a large-scale yield improvement campaign for major crops such as grain and oil across the country, start a project to increase the yield of major grain and oil crops focusing on corn and soybeans, research and formulate a comprehensive plan for good fields, good varieties, good methods, good opportunities, and good production integration and assembly by variety, and establish The technical measures integration innovation platform assembles various individual technical measures to increase production, and promotes them from point to line and area, and radiates to drive a large-scale balanced increase in production and efficiency.

Hebei launched the implementation of the campaign of crossing the thousand catties of wheat per mu, and sent more than 10,000 agricultural technicians to the fields to provide guidance and services during the Spring Festival. Guangxi promotes the implementation plan of rice and corn high-yield research, arranges 40 million yuan to carry out rice high-yield research demonstrations in several counties in the region, and creates a demonstration film of 1 million mu of rice high-yield research, which will radiate and drive the increase in grain production and efficiency in the region.

Bill of lading production, but also to improve the self-sufficiency rate. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that it will implement the campaign to increase the yield of grain and oil crops, and strive to increase the yield of corn demonstration fields by more than 100 kilograms per mu and increase the self-sufficiency rate of edible vegetable oil by more than 1 percentage point. Continue to carry out the contact guidance of the first line of sinking, the province and the province, highlighting the unit yield of soybeans and other crops, and integrating and promoting a number of high-yield and production-increasing technology models.

Provide quality, supply high, supply excellent

Prospering agriculture with quality, promoting agriculture with green, guaranteeing the high-quality supply of grain and important agricultural products.

Spring plowing and spring sowing this year will further optimize the planting structure and increase the coverage of high-quality crop varieties. With “three products and one standard” as the starting point, we will provide more green, organic, famous, special and high-quality new products.

At present, Hubei is speeding up the construction of centralized rice seedling raising facilities, and has allocated 80 million yuan in special funds to implement green, high-quality and efficient actions. Jiangsu has established 600 demonstration plots of grain and 100 demonstration plots of soybean oilseeds, integrated and promoted fine varieties, increased production technology, matured and perfected the technology of soybean and corn strip compound planting, and improved the quality of agricultural products. Inner Mongolia focuses on corn and soybeans, and arranges 190 million yuan to build 100 high-yield and high-efficiency demonstration areas of 1,000 mu.

With the in-depth advancement of agricultural supply-side structural reforms, my country currently has more than 60,000 green, organic and geographical indication agricultural products, and the green prevention and control area of ​​major crops has reached 1.13 billion mu.

At present, the supply of agricultural materials for spring plowing preparation is sufficient. According to monitoring, the supply of corn, rice, and soybean seeds produced by spring plowing this year is 3.86 billion kilograms, which can meet the demand for production seeds. It is expected that during the spring plowing period, the overall supply of chemical fertilizers will exceed the demand, the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers will be sufficient, the tension between the supply and demand of potassium fertilizers will ease, and the supply of pesticides and plastic films will be able to meet the needs of spring plowing. All localities organize operator training to standardize operations and meet standards, so as to effectively improve the quality of soil preparation and sowing. It is estimated that more than 22 million units (sets) of various agricultural machinery can be invested in the country during the spring plowing period. At present, most of the agricultural machinery has been overhauled and is being put into spring plowing production one following another.

[Responsible editor: Lu Jiashan]



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